[Athen] Chemistry with JAWS or NVDA

Shawn Foster fosters at sou.edu
Wed May 27 12:57:30 PDT 2015

Thanks, Jon - will do that. Looks like they don't currently have the
Adaptation Service program running at this point, which is too bad...that
would have been really helpful.

*Shawn Foster, MA*
Disability Resources Coordinator
U-CAM Coordinator
*Southern Oregon University*
Outstanding: http://youtu.be/Ski0MzPd5IM

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Gunderson, Jon R <jongund at illinois.edu>

> Shawn,


> I would check with the people at Independence Science:

> http://www.independencescience.com/our-vision.php


> Gary Supalo is blind and has a Ph.D. In chemistry and can probably help

> you with your questions.


> Jon



> From: Ron <ronrstewart at gmail.com>

> Reply-To: Access Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>

> Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 1:09 PM

> To: Access Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>

> Subject: Re: [Athen] Chemistry with JAWS or NVDA


> It is my experience that currently MathML authoring is the only viable

> solution. While ChemML has been around for a while it is totally

> unsupported in the AT world.


> I would love to hear different.


> Ron Stewart


> On Wednesday, May 27, 2015, Shawn Foster <fosters at sou.edu> wrote:


>> Happy Wednesday, all!


>> If you have experience with formatting chemistry formulas to read with

>> JAWS or NVDA, please let me know what process and applications you used.

>> MathType has some limitations in how it will format chemistry information

>> (as it does MathML and not CML), so looking for alternatives. Really really

>> hoping those alternatives are not "hard code in CML," so if there's a

>> WYSIWYG interface, that would be spectacular.


>> Does anyone have experience with the Chemistry Plug-In for Word

>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__chem4word.codeplex.com_&d=AwMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=REZD8fc2AwufInstfW3L5jSLVS8bjZtAodDOhat7yAI&m=aG5TBfgoKuAdtGuhiklpN9_8sfpj6yppgFxRpbb_2V8&s=v8-YJ5QRukwMfLBKpgFYzoQ7a3YmhMFDvxNOIUX4EkM&e=>?

>> Would it do what I'm looking for?


>> Thanks in advance for your wisdom!

>> Shawn


>> *Shawn Foster, MA*

>> Disability Resources Coordinator

>> U-CAM Coordinator

>> *Southern Oregon University*

>> (541)552-6213

>> Outstanding: http://youtu.be/Ski0MzPd5IM

>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__youtu.be_Ski0MzPd5IM&d=AwMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=REZD8fc2AwufInstfW3L5jSLVS8bjZtAodDOhat7yAI&m=aG5TBfgoKuAdtGuhiklpN9_8sfpj6yppgFxRpbb_2V8&s=ivH7sd41me-KnzrowpYL44lyAAfECit9LDy0mQylr2w&e=>




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