[Athen] JAWS reading Math equations element-by-element.
Khaleel Eksheir
Khaleel.Eksheir at uncc.edu
Mon Apr 18 05:25:51 PDT 2016
I have a student who is legally blind and doing a Master Degree in Math.
We convert Math textbooks (MS word files) for the student using MathType,
and we publish to MathML "HTML +MathML +MathJax" settings. The final result
is an "htm"" file which the student opens using IE 11 with MathPlayer 4
plugin installed.
The student uses JAWS to navigate the published Math file. When running
JAWS to read all the equation (Insert Down-Arrow), it reads the equation
accurately. We had difficulty making JAWS read element-by-element of the
equation even if (Ctrl Right-arrow) were pressed. The only way to allow
JAWS read element-by-element is by clicking on the "Enter" key. This opens
an equation window. The student then clicks (Ctrl Right-arrow) keys to read
element-by-element. But when doing so, JAWS skips some important functions
such as the square root, so it doesn't say square root, but jumps to the
content of the square root. This happens especially if the equation is a
square root of a square root.
I was wondering if anybody came across such issues, and how it was solved?
How to read the equation element-by-element? What would be the best
practice when using MathType? Is there any other tool that was tested and
would work? The student is doing a Master Degree in Math, and the Math
books are full of equations. The student is having difficulties capturing
all the information when JAWS say it all at once; therefore, reading
element-by-element is the only way to understand the formulas.
Khaleel Eksheir, MSc.ESM | Assistive Technology Specialist
UNC Charlotte | Fretwell 230Q | Office of Disability Services
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: 704-687-0042 | Fax: 704-687-1395
khaleel.eksheir at uncc.edu | http://www.ds.uncc.edu
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