[Athen] [WebAIM] Acrobat DC Autotag Form Fields

Karlen Communications info at karlencommunications.com
Thu Aug 25 12:04:58 PDT 2016

The Auto Tag form fields does create "Tags" for the form controls but you
don't see them until you add Tags to the document which is the last step in
the process.

Cheers, Karen

-----Original Message-----
From: athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On
Behalf Of Joseph Sherman
Sent: August 25, 2016 2:00 PM
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] [WebAIM] Acrobat DC Autotag Form Fields

So the Autotag Form Fields doesn't create tags? It is the same as recognize
form fields? Even though it's right below Autotag Document, (which does add
tags to everything but form fields for some reason)? That's insane.

Also note "Prepare Form" has a tooltip of "Quickly convert Word, Excel...
into PDF Forms" is actually the command which opens the Form tools after you
run it the first time. Acrobat DC is terribly, in my opinion.

So, if I have a well formatted Form in Word I have to either Save without
tags and add tags after adding the form fields (which means I have to fix
all the incorrect autotags throughout the document, or manually add the Form
and OBJR for each field via (tags > find > unmarked annotations)? A long
document with many forms fields would take forever.

Joseph Sherman
Accessibility Specialist
CUNY Computing & Information Services
395 Hudson St 6FL, 6-236
646-664-2167|  Joseph.Sherman at cuny.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: athen-list [mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On
Behalf Of Karlen Communications
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 11:04 AM
To: 'WebAIM Discussion List' <webaim-forum at list.webaim.org>; 'Access
Technology Higher Education Network' <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] [WebAIM] Acrobat DC Autotag Form Fields

You have to start a PDF form with no Tags. The language to "Autotag" forms
is a bit misleading. You won't see the form Tags until you finish working
with the forms in the document (ensuring all of them are there and that they
have Tooltips).

It should really be something like "add form fields to document" which takes
away the expectation of seeing Tags.

THEN you Tag the document and you will be able to see the from controls and
the document Tags.

But you must start a PDF form with an untagged PDF, add the form
controls/fields and THEN Tag the entire document.

If you don't you create more work for yourself and the accessibility of the
form controls is wonky.

If you use the Action Wizard make Accessible Wizard, you go through this
hierarchy of tasks to add the form fields, then Tag the document but if you
need to add more form controls, you may end up with a wonky PDF form.

Cheers, Karen

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum [mailto:webaim-forum-bounces at list.webaim.org] On Behalf
Of Joseph Sherman
Sent: August 25, 2016 10:46 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List <webaim-forum at list.webaim.org>; Access Technology
Higher Education Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [WebAIM] Acrobat DC Autotag Form Fields

As a follow-up to a discussion a while back
(http://webaim.org/discussion/mail_message?id=31574) has anyone been able to
get the "autotag form fields" command in Acrobat DC to work properly? I have
a form imported from Word, I did Prepare Form to recognize the form fields.
I then select "Autotag form fields" from the accessibility menu. Acrobat
appears to be doing something, but no tags are created. Is it me or Acrobat?

Also, is there any way to have "tag annotations" in the tag panel on by
default? It's a pain having to remember to turn it on every time I launch


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