[Athen] How Do I: export PPT 2010 STAMP captions to TTML?

Nast, Joseph M Joseph.M.Nast at lonestar.edu
Wed Jul 6 13:34:15 PDT 2016

I love that MS created the STAMP plug-in to give content authors the ability to caption their presentations:


On the support page it clearly states there's a function that allows users to export these to a TTML file, but danged if I can find it in PPT and Google searches come up with nada.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Joseph M. Nast<mailto:joseph.m.nast at lonestar.edu>
Assistive Technology Lab Coordinator
office phone: 281.290.3207
office room number: CASA 109f
Lone Star College Cy Fair<http://cyfair.lonestar.edu/>
Counseling, Career, and Disability Services<http://www.lonestar.edu/counseling-services.htm>

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