[Athen] FW: [Blindmath] [Blind math] SAS, Plus and SPSS accessibility

Joshua Hori jhori at ucdavis.edu
Tue Jul 5 10:18:47 PDT 2016

Another share for stats, this time with additional resources.

Hi all,

Can I just quickly remind the list about the my webpages at http://r-resources.massey.ac.nz Where there is a reasonably up to date set of notes about statistical software (and lots more).

Zac: I often see students use software because it is the preference of their supervisors. In my opinion, the sins of the supervisor need not be visited on the student. I would argue that the best outcome for the supervisor is that their student use the most appropriate tool on offer, and that they see the use of alternative software as an opportunity to learn something. Of course, you can't go ramming that down the throats of most supervisors, but that's why I say it to supervisors on the behalf of students I support, both inside my university, and if necessary in writing to a supervisor of blind students in need.


-----Original Message-----
From: Blindmath [mailto:blindmath-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Zach via Blindmath
Sent: Tuesday, 5 July 2016 5:11 a.m.
To: 'Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics'
Cc: Zach
Subject: Re: [Blindmath] [Blind math] SAS, Plus and SPSS accessibility

I think you may find a lot of discussion addressing your question in the archives of this mailing list. As a user of SAS and a neighbor of someone who tried to use SPSS, SAS seems to be second only in accessibility to R.
SPSS has a lot of issues according to my friend and is not easy for sighted folks to teach blind folk-for that matter so was SAS, but SAS was easy enough to find resources on the web for.

Others on this list more knowledgeable may disagree with me, and I beg your pardon. I've heard too many horror stories about other software's to ever consider anything other than SAS and R though. I only use SAS and Excel because it is what my advisor knows; but after this Masters I'm looking to make the switch to R.

Zachary Mason
M.S. Student
Animal and Dairy Sciences
Mississippi State University

-----Original Message-----
From: Blindmath [mailto:blindmath-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Victorious via Blindmath
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2016 10:19 AM
To: 'Blind Math list for those interested in mathematics'
<blindmath at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Victorious <dtvictorious at gmail.com>
Subject: [Blindmath] SAS, Splus and SPSS accessibility


How accessible are SAS, Splus and SPSS? I'm trying to decide if I should take a module that uses all 3. Its description follows.

This module introduces students to the statistical computer packages, with main focus on SAS, Splus and SPSS, that provide the computational tools for performing statistical data analysis using the methodology covered in the prerequisite modules. Topics include data access, transformations, estimation, testing hypotheses, ANOVA, performing resampling methods and simulations. It also equips students with basic computational techniques for maximum likelihood estimation.


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