[Athen] Note-taker services and implementation of higher tech methods

Kipp,Kyle kippk at wccnet.edu
Tue Jun 7 13:35:10 PDT 2016

Greetings, Colleagues:

I am writing to find out how other colleges handle their note-taker services in regard to implementing new technology.

Our department recruits paid note-takers to students that qualify for the accommodation. These note-takers are usually co-students in the same class. We currently have them give a copy of their notes to the student with the disability, usually in the form of a photocopy or carbon copy.

We are looking into the possibility of using other technology options: e.g., having the note-takers use Smart Pens, AudioNote, Sonocent, and other "higher tech" note-taking methods. But, we are cautious with how to pilot and test this initiative.

My questions:

* Do any of your hired note-takers (paid or unpaid) use other technology when duplicating/sharing the notes taken in class?

* Are these note-takers paid or volunteer?

* If you have a more "tech-savvy" or "high tech" method of paid note-taking services, how did you get from traditional paper/pencil/carbon copy to your current more techno-savvy methods?
Thank you for your feedback.

Mr. Kyle R. Kipp
Technology Specialist
Learning Support Services
Washtenaw Community College
Rm: LA 104
734-973-3342 x 8988


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