[Athen] Assistive Technology and APA papers

Kitara Smith kitara.smith at umuc.edu
Mon Oct 10 12:32:02 PDT 2016

Is there any assistive technology what will assist a visually disabled
person with the formatting of an APA style research paper? The student
states she has difficulty making sure that the formatting and the citations
are done correctly. Please note that our university is majority online, so
some of our students are not able to visit our physical writing center.
This student already uses JAWS, but I was wondering if there is anything
that specifically assists with the formatting of papers.

Thank you!

Kitara A. Smith|Equity Compliance Coordinator

Office of Diversity & Equity

University of Maryland University College

3501 University Blvd. East

Adelphi, MD 20783

Phone 301.985.7432

Email kitara.smith at umuc.edu
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