[Athen] article: A Welcoming Classroom

Jiatyan Chen jiatyan at stanford.edu
Thu Sep 28 15:40:15 PDT 2017

Good idea to put a human face to the challenges and be specific about what professors can easily do.


The college where I teach has seen a steadily increasing number of students requesting accommodations for cognitive, emotional, and physical challenges — a trend that has kept our heroic office of accessibility services working full time on both advocating for those students and helping faculty members understand how to meet the needs.
When a college admits students with disabilities, it has a legal obligation to accommodate their needs. But we should also consider our moral obligation: We owe it to the students we’ve admitted to make sure they can learn successfully in our courses.

With that in mind, the teaching center I direct teamed up with our office of accessibility services to host an event earlier this fall for faculty. The idea was to invite students who have received accommodations to share their experiences — what helped and what didn’t — with professors.

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