[Athen] form elements

Karl Groves karlgroves at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 15:59:35 PDT 2018

On Sat, Oct 20, 2018 at 9:52 AM Khoa Pham <kpham at swccd.edu> wrote:


> Has anyone ever encounter an input field with labels that are coded like the one in the picture? Using AXE browser plugin to scan this content suggest that it is considered not accessible. I can see why AXE would find it not accessible since this input field is not using the proper HTML tag. JAWS picks up the span and associates it as a label, but NVDA shows it as an unlabeled form field. Would this be considered as not accessible?


JAWS is "guessing" based on the fact that it is the nearest text
within the same parent node. Put that text in a separate block-level
container and it will stop working. This is a perfect example of why
using compatibility with a certain AT is a bad measure of
accessibility. The code is technically non-conforming. As a
consequence, there's no guarantee the code will work in other AT - as
you've noticed.


> On another question regarding grouping of radio buttons and checkboxes. Is it a requirement to group them in a <fieldset> even if there is no other groups of radio buttons or checkboxes present? In my opinion it would be helpful for screen reader user, regardless of whether there are other groups these elements around. I would like to get some opinion on this.


Providing a grouping and a label for radio buttons and checkboxes has
two purposes: differentiating the options from other groups of radio
buttons/ checkboxes and also to provide context to them. Generally,
the label for each radio button/ checkbox is specific to the
individual control, but the controls themselves are part of a *set* of
controls. Therefore, the set of controls will often have a label.
That label should be available programmatically in a way that will be
associated with the controls within the set. So even if there aren't
other sets of controls on the page, the fieldset & legend are helpful
in providing that context around what the set of controls are all




> Thank you in advance




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Karl Groves
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