[Athen] EPUB

George Kerscher kerscher at montana.com
Wed Sep 5 11:49:33 PDT 2018


Ctrl+shift+G starts the read aloud function. You can also adjust the voice settings.

Oh, and one can adjust the spacing, font, and foreground and background colors, very important for students with specific learning differences. That is ctrl+shift+o

Hope this helps.


From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Robert Spangler
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 12:00 PM
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] EPUB

I did see that Edge has the ability, but I was unable to find a way to make it read out loud. For me I would just use my screen reader, but someone with a learning disability would use a TTS like what they would use in ReadWrite Gold, and I did not see anything in Edge like this. Too bad Chrome can't read them as ReadWrite has an extension to work with that browser.

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 12:42 PM George Kerscher <kerscher at montana.com <mailto:kerscher at montana.com> > wrote:

Excellent accessibility testing of EPUB reading Apps can be found at:

Based on this testing a summary review of recommended Apps can be found on the InclusivePublishing.org website at:

Many of the Reading Apps support side loading, but not all.

Joseph is correct about EasyReader by Dolphin.
Also, Edge now natively supports reading of EPUB, and they plan to fix some of the bugs we reported.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, or if anybody needs help getting started.


From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu <mailto:athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> > On Behalf Of Joseph Polizzotto
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 9:51 AM
To: athen-list at u.washington.edu <mailto:athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] EPUB

HI Robert:

We would recommend Dolphin Easy Reader <https://yourdolphin.com/product?id=23> . You can read an accessibility evaluation (with a focus on low vision users) of Dolphin Easy Reader at this site: Dolphin Easy Reader Evaluation <http://epubtest.org/evaluation/459/> .

Some of the features that I like are:

- Free
- active development
- access to multiple libraries (e.g., Bookshare, NFB, EPUB Books)
- support with VoiceOver
- Page number support
- Built in Text to Speech, including Pitch, Pause, and Pronunciation settings
- MathML support
- Multiple Formats: TXT, DOCX, HTML, EPUB, DAISY 2, DAISY 3



On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 8:20 AM Robert Spangler <rspangler1 at udayton.edu <mailto:rspangler1 at udayton.edu> > wrote:
Hello all, since I have not found a way to convert an epub to PDF, what is a good Epub reader? This is for a student with a learning disability, not someone who is blind. That being said however I myself would appreciate it if the suggested reader were accessible.


Robert Spangler
Disability Services Technical Support Specialist
rspangler1 at udayton.edu <mailto:rspangler1 at udayton.edu>
Office of Learning Resources (OLR) - RL 023
Ryan C. Harris Learning & Teaching Center (LTC)
University of Dayton | 300 College Park | Dayton, Ohio 45469-1302
Phone: 937-229-2066
Fax: 937-229-3270
Ohio Relay: 711 (available for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing)
Web Site: http://go.udayton.edu/learning
athen-list mailing list
athen-list at mailman12.u.washington.edu <mailto:athen-list at mailman12.u.washington.edu>

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(510) 642-0329

athen-list mailing list
athen-list at mailman12.u.washington.edu <mailto:athen-list at mailman12.u.washington.edu>

Robert Spangler
Disability Services Technical Support Specialist
rspangler1 at udayton.edu <mailto:rspangler1 at udayton.edu>
Office of Learning Resources (OLR) - RL 023
Ryan C. Harris Learning & Teaching Center (LTC)
University of Dayton | 300 College Park | Dayton, Ohio 45469-1302
Phone: 937-229-2066
Fax: 937-229-3270
Ohio Relay: 711 (available for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing)
Web Site: http://go.udayton.edu/learning
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