[Athen] [WebAIM] PDF Forms - Can't get the Comb setting to work

Karlen Communications info at karlencommunications.com
Tue Apr 16 11:04:54 PDT 2019

Yes, I found obscure references to using the Appearance tab and selecting a
border colour, but trial and error in unchecking everything...and 3 hours of
online searching and troubleshooting!

While I'm talking PDF, I got an e-mail from Foxit today and they want to
talk to me about how they can improve their product! Am going to set up a
time. I did get my money back and will try the software next year to give
them time to work out the control issues.

Cheers, Karen

-----Original Message-----
From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> On Behalf
Of chagnon at pubcom.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 12:50 PM
To: 'Access Technology Higher Education Network'
<athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] [WebAIM] PDF Forms - Can't get the Comb setting to work

That's so obscure and unintuitive.
Better user interface is needed in our Acrobat programs.
Thanks Karen!
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Bevi Chagnon, founder/CEO | Bevi at PubCom.com
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-----Original Message-----
From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> On Behalf
Of Karlen Communications
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 11:32 AM
To: 'WebAIM Discussion List' <webaim-forum at list.webaim.org>
Cc: 'Access Technology Higher Education Network'
<athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] [WebAIM] PDF Forms - Can't get the Comb setting to work

Found "the trick."

You have to not only identify the border as a solid line in the Appearance
tab but deselect all of the default options in the Options tab. Then the
check box and character limit for a Comb will be available and you can
create it.

Cheers, Karen

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum <webaim-forum-bounces at list.webaim.org> On Behalf Of
Karlen Communications
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:10 AM
To: 'WebAIM Discussion List' <webaim-forum at list.webaim.org>
Cc: 'Access Technology Higher Education Network'
<athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] PDF Forms - Can't get the Comb setting to work

Nope, PowerPDF has the Comb settings unavailable too.

There must be a "trick" to setting this? I've never had to do this before so
am baffled as to why this setting is not available.

Cheers, Karen

-----Original Message-----
From: WebAIM-Forum <webaim-forum-bounces at list.webaim.org> On Behalf Of
Karlen Communications
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 10:01 AM
To: 'WebAIM Discussion List' <webaim-forum at list.webaim.org>
Cc: 'Access Technology Higher Education Network'
<athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [WebAIM] PDF Forms - Can't get the Comb setting to work

Hi Everyone:

I've looked online and can't find any useful information on why the ability
to create a text form control as a comb with a character limit is not
available in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. The one offering was to put a border
around the text form control and then identify the form control as a comb in
the Options tab.but even doing that, the comb settings in the Options tab
for a text form control is not available.

I've tried checking and unchecking things but I just can't identify the text
form control as a Comb with a limit of characters.

Am using the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC with all updates

Am now going to check PowerPDF in case I can set this there, but it is
strange that I can't do this in Acrobat.

Any ideas? Help?

Cheers, Karen

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