[Athen] Request for assistance from AHEAD

Sheryl E. Burgstahler sherylb at uw.edu
Sun Jun 2 07:38:57 PDT 2019

Forwarded Message: request for assistance by the Association for Higher Education and Disability
(originally posted in our AHEAD technology SIG.). Contact Carol directly for details.

Hi all,

AHEAD has been researching options for an LMS that would interface with its other systems and provide an Association-based experience for members. We now have a possibility in a company that appears to be quite invested in and serious about accessibility. However, and of course, it's essential that AHEAD get feedback on the true accessibility from a knowledgeable screen reader user before moving forward. Therefore, I am reaching out to this SIG ... to ask if anyone would be willing to help with this project. If you would, please be in touch with me directly: carol at ahead.org... and THANK YOU.


Carol Funckes
Chief Operating Officer
Tucson, Arizona

Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D.
Director, UW Accessible Technology & DO-IT, UW-IT
Affiliate Professor, Education
University of Washington, Box 354842
Seattle, WA 98195
206-543-0622 FAX 206-221-4171
sherylb at uw.edu

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