[Athen] Serving Deaf College Students: A Live Discussion on Navigating COVID-19 and Beyond

National Deaf Center help at nationaldeafcenter.org
Mon Jun 8 12:08:19 PDT 2020

The Spring 2020 semester took a historical shift in the way colleges and
universities across the country serve students with disabilities in online
learning environments. Making instruction accessible to deaf
<https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/defining-deaf> students was no easy
task. Join us for a panel of experienced professionals who will share
lessons learned when addressing challenges during the pandemic and
preparing for the Fall 2020 semester (and beyond).

NDC is providing an opportunity for disability services professionals to
attend TWO live online panels. In our efforts to meet scheduling options
for as many participants as possible, we are offering two different
opportunities to choose from. Since the content will be the same for each
date, we ask individuals to register for one date. The live panels will be
recorded for internal evaluation purposes only. Recordings will not be made
available to the public.

Panel Dates and Times:


Thursday June 18th: 12pm-1pm PDT / 1pm-2pm MDT / 2pm-3pm CDT/ 3pm-4pm EDT

Tuesday June 30th: 12pm-1pm PDT / 1pm-2pm MDT / 2pm-3pm CDT/ 3pm-4pm EDT
Note: webinar room will be open 10 minutes prior to start time

Interpreters and real-time captioning will be provided for both panels. For
additional access requests please email: help at nationaldeafcenter.org at
least 3 business days prior to the event.



Allen Sheffield, Rutgers University-Newark

Jana Mauldin, Madison Area Technical College

Daniel Nakaji, San Diego Community College District

Maria Schiano, County College of Morris

In order to attend this event you will need to:


Register for one of the panel dates:
June 18th 2:00pm CDT Panel Registration Link
<https://utexas.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jhiOTNMISpeoNP5MjLO_fg> June
30th 2:00pm CDT Panel Registration Link



Download or update Zoom on your computer to the latest version.


Sign in with a Zoom account. (The webinar link alone will not give you
access to the live event, you must sign in to Zoom using a personal or work
account. You can sign up for free at zoom.us)

Panel FAQ:


Does registration cost anything? No.

Who can attend the live panel? All are welcome. This panel is designed
to benefit disability services professionals and service providers working
in higher education settings.

Will CRC or RID CEUs be offered for this panel? No. We will not be
providing certificates of attendance.

Will a recording be made available to those who could not attend? No,
these are live events only.

Will interpreters or real-time captioning be provided? Yes, both are
being provided. If you have additional accommodation needs please email
help at nationaldeafcenter.org.

*NDC | help team*
*help at nationaldeafcenter.org <help at nationaldeafcenter.org>*
[image: https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/]

See our COVID-19 page
<https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/covid-19-information> for updated
information, resources, tips, and more.

Subscribe to our newsletter <http://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/signup> and
receive updates about NDC activities.

NDC is a technical assistance and dissemination center jointly funded by
the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs
(OSEP) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
#H326D160001. Disclaimer:
the contents of this email do not necessarily represent the policies of the
federal government.
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