[Athen] Proctorio

Schafer, Carmen schafercg at missouri.edu
Fri Mar 20 10:16:53 PDT 2020


Our institution is seeking info on Proctorio from an accessibility standpoint (e.g., issues to be aware of and need to post to our institution, etc.)

>From what I'm finding, there used to be issues using it with a screen reader and keyboard navigation. I reviewed their current accessibility conformance report (completed VPAT) on https://proctorio.com/accessibility and it sounds like these is no longer issues.

Does anyone using Proctorio have user experiences they can share? Are there still accessibility issues that we need to be aware of to provide accommodations or workarounds, etc.? Does it still have its own built-in screen reader (if I understood that correctly)?

Thanks in advance for any information provided, as I know this is a hectic time for everyone.

Carmen Schafer

Digital Accessibility Coordinator

MU Division of IT, ACT Center


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