[Athen] white text on white background for screen reader user

Melanie P. Thornton mthornt at uark.edu
Mon Mar 23 16:56:20 PDT 2020

Can we think through this a bit more? Slides are often used to provide information in a way that is visually engaging. And sometimes the visual design does not match the layout of the slide. So for example if you are sharing a quote, then making the quote large and bold and colorful with the author’s name at the bottom would be in the text area. There is no content that would "look right" to be in the title. But to provide access, one could name the slide “Gandhi Quote,” for example.

The only purpose of that title is access. It provides a way to navigate the slides easily by titles. If that title were not visible on the slide, then I am not really clear how that is a problem. It would still be visible in the outline view. So it could be accessed by anyone there, but maintains the visual design that the designer is trying to achieve.

I’d like to understand more why it is a design problem because it is a design I’ve actually suggested.

Thank you!



coordinator of access and equity outreach
Partners for Inclusive Communities
University of Arkansas

V/T: 501.291.3217

Partners for Inclusive Communities<https://uofapartners.uark.edu/> (Partners) is a program of the University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions and is Arkansas' University Center on Disabilities, a member of the nationwide Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD).

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On March 23, 2020 at 4:23:23 PM, Lucy GRECO (lgreco at berkeley.edu<mailto:lgreco at berkeley.edu>) wrote:

there are a lot of down sides but the biggest one is that if you need a title witch yes you do every one benefits from it.
what if some one has a speshal stile sheet that changes the colors what if a low vis user needs the access but most inportently its the wrong way to do this. some one may need other ways to access the information and just changing the color is a bandaid not the write way of doing things.
Lucia Greco
Web Accessibility Evangelist
IST - Architecture, Platforms, and Integration
University of California, Berkeley
(510) 289-6008 skype: lucia1-greco
Follow me on twitter @accessaces

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 1:40 PM Krista Greear <krista at inclusiveinstructionaldesign.com<mailto:krista at inclusiveinstructionaldesign.com>> wrote:
I was asked recently if the are downsides for having "hidden" text from sighted users, but available to screen reader users.

For example, what are the downsides of having white text on a white background to add a slide title in PowerPoint? Is it ever appropriate to use font color to hide text from sighted users but are available to screen reader users?


Krista Greear
Accessibility and Inclusivity Crusader
ATHEN Executive Council Vice President
Access Technology Higher Education Network<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__athenpro.org_&d=DwMFaQ&c=7ypwAowFJ8v-mw8AB-SdSueVQgSDL4HiiSaLK01W8HA&r=4xs5XdFl4BYq5E_PfT2ZCA&m=LdmDjWHR-je4lSjceHh9Wf6t1sNZWTYBgxVjbkE1xVk&s=NSjZtA8Uicuipt3ay8bvhibHHq49yfPTQiGqbfEINOE&e=>
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