[Athen] Nearpod

Heather Mariger heather.mariger at chemeketa.edu
Fri Oct 16 13:28:44 PDT 2020

Greetings and Happy Friday!

I apologize for the cross-listing but I am hoping to once again take
advantage of your collective wisdom and knowledge.

A couple of faculty are looking at using Nearpod <https://nearpod.com/>to
help promote more student engagement in their classes. However, most of
what I am finding is a couple of years old or not terribly informative.

Has anyone had any experience with Nearpod or know anything about its
accessibility that they would be willing to share?


*Heather Mariger*
*Digital Accessibility Advocate*

*Pronouns: She/Her*

*Center for Academic Innovation*
*Chemeketa Community College*
*4000 Lancaster Drive NE - 9/126A*
*Salem, OR 97305*


*Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to
dance. *
Verna Myers, author and speaker

[image: Chemeketa Community College Logo - Wearing is Caring - Mask Up!
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