[Athen] athen-list Digest, Vol 177, Issue 14
Natosha Burgess-Rodriguez
ndburgessrodriguez at waketech.edu
Mon Oct 19 12:27:21 PDT 2020
Hello and good afternoon!
Subtitles and captions aren't really technically the same. Closed captions are the verbatim text representation of standalone audio content or audio content in videos. Subtitles represent the language specific translation of the audio content from the language of the original published work. The terms are used interchangeably but are different in purpose and usage. For example, my brothers and I have watched Kung Fu movies as kids and always appreciated reading the subtitles -for the ones that were not dubbed. I believe Aegisub subtitle editor. maybe useful. I haven't used it for ripping titles, however.
Aegisub Plain Text URL: http://www.aegisub.org/
Natosha Burgess-Rodriguez | Accessibility Technologist | Instructor
eLearning Support and Instructional Design | Correction Education
Wake Technical Community College
Southern Wake Campus
ndburgessrodriguez at waketech.edu | 919.866.6223
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 3:01 PM
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Subject: athen-list Digest, Vol 177, Issue 14
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Today's Topics:
1. Is it possible to extract subtitles (Deborah Armstrong)
2. Re: Is it possible to extract subtitles (Stager, Catherine)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 02:45:02 +0000
From: Deborah Armstrong <armstrongdeborah at fhda.edu>
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network
<athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Is it possible to extract subtitles
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... from a foreign film so that I have a transcript in English?
I had some software on my work PC that I believe does this, but I'm still sheltering in place so cannot exactly remember what I have there.
I also remember someone in our deaf services department doing this for a blind student several years ago, but can't remember exactly how or with what software it was done.
Are captions and subtitles technically the same thing?
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:55:05 +0000
From: "Stager, Catherine" <Catherine.Stager at frontrange.edu>
To: 'Access Technology Higher Education Network'
<athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Athen] Is it possible to extract subtitles
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Captions and subtitles are different, (https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2Fwiki%2FVTT_Concepts%23Different_types_of_VTT_tracks_and_their_structures&data=04%7C01%7Cndburgessrodriguez%40waketech.edu%7C0ebc898632094fed44e408d874627ea8%7C16cc8ad984fe481db9b048e7758c41aa%7C0%7C0%7C637387313667115810%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=EtkVP2r1qdAXMTpPFm0FaQLczF6kUM1C8n8kQQmIER8%3D&reserved=0) but frequently the terms are used interchangeably. Subtitles do not contain the added information for access to sounds within a video.
Captions and subtitles both will be in a timed text format - commonly a .vtt file. If you can access the vtt, or other timed text format files, you can get the text.
Hope that is helpful.
Best regards,
Catherine M. Stager
Assistive Technology Specialist
Catherine.Stager at frontrange.edu<mailto:Catherine.Stager at frontrange.edu>
(720) 336-1245
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From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Deborah Armstrong
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2020 8:45 PM
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Is it possible to extract subtitles
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... from a foreign film so that I have a transcript in English?
I had some software on my work PC that I believe does this, but I'm still sheltering in place so cannot exactly remember what I have there.
I also remember someone in our deaf services department doing this for a blind student several years ago, but can't remember exactly how or with what software it was done.
Are captions and subtitles technically the same thing?
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