[Athen] Join me at TASH Outstanding Leadership in Disability Law
Symposium? Oct. 7th / $20 registration for disabled people
Lydia X. Z. Brown
lydia at autistichoya.com
Thu Sep 10 08:16:51 PDT 2020
Hi friends,
I hope you're doing OK or at least as OK as possible right now. I'm writing
because I am the symposium committee co-chair of this year's TASH
Outstanding Leadership in Disability Law Virtual Symposium & Award
and I hope you will consider joining me.
We are hosting an online half-day legal symposium (you don't have to be a
lawyer or law student to come) before presenting this year's award to *Judy
Gran*. The symposium and award celebration feature a lineup of incredible
speakers on institutionalization and self-advocacy (which I also worked
hard to ensure would center disabled people of color!), including these
fabulous folks:
- *Subini Annamma*, one of the most accomplished and innovative
scholar-activists focused on critical disability studies and critical race
theory; author of *The Pedagogy of Pathologization: Dis/abled Girls of
Color in the School-prison Nexus*; Associate Professor at Stanford
- *Dustin P. Gibson*, co-founder of the Harriet Tubman Collective of
Black disabled advocates, organizers, cultural workers, thinkers, writers,
and activists; co-founder of Disability Advocates for Rights and
Transition, an organization led by disabled people that works to end the
institutionalization of disabled people and support them in navigating
systems to live in their communities with the dignity of risk; Access,
Disability and Language Justice Coordinator at PeoplesHub
- *Bernard J. Carabello*, one of the foremost leaders among
Willowbrook's survivors and pioneers of the self-advocacy movement
- *Cal Montgomery*, one of the leading thinkers and writers on
neurodiversity and self-advocacy for the last several decades, author of
"Critic of the Dawn"
- *Mathew McCullough*, Director of the DC Office of Disability Rights;
formerly Executive Director of the DC Developmental Disabilities Council
- *Claudia L. Gordon*, Obama White House alumn and pioneer as the first
Deaf Black woman attorney
- *Debra Robinson*, Executive Director, Speaking for Ourselves (SFO)
- *Barbara Ransom*, Director, National Advisory Group for Justice
- *Max Barrows*, Outreach Director for Green Mountain Self-Advocates;
Obama appointee to Presidential Council on Intellectual Disabilities
- *Tia Nelis*, TASH's Director of Policy and Advocacy; former president
of Illinois People First and chairperson of Self-Advocates Becoming
And I'll be joining Max and Tia in conversation with this year's honoree
Judy Gran for the award celebration - so if you plan to join us, you'll
also catch me!
Please let me know if you plan to attend or sponsor! Registration
is only $20 (yes, twenty) for self-advocates/disabled people and students
(okay, and for retired people and for non-professional family members of
disabled people); $75 for employed professionals; and $285 for lawyers
seeking CLE credit.
For those who are lawyers, we've been *approved for CLE credit* (yay!!!)
through American University Washington College of Law (where we hoped to be
had it been safe to meet in person without COVID-ing each other). CLE
credit is good as follows:
- Total 60-minute hours: 3.0
- Total 50-minute hours: 3.5
MCLE StateGeneral CLEAccreditation Status
California 3.0 Pending
Connecticut 3.0 Approved
Delaware 3.0 Approved
Georgia 3.0 Approved
Illinois 3.0 Approved
Indiana 3.0 Approved
Montana 3.0 Pending
New Jersey 3.6 Pending
New Mexico 3.0 Approved
New York 3.5 Pending
North Carolina 3.0 Pending
Ohio 3.0 Pending
Oklahoma 3.5 Approved
Pennsylvania 3.0 Approved
South Carolina 3.0 Approved
Tennessee 3.0 Approved
Texas 3.0 Approved
Virginia 3.0 Pending
West Virginia 3.6 Approved
I hope to see you (virtually, please don't come find me in person) on
October 7!! I've been involved with TASH as a chapter leader and volunteer
for the past eight years, and I'm so excited to be a major part of planning
this year's Outstanding Leadership in Disability Law Symposium & Award
Celebration. Please come if you can, and let me know if I'll see you there.
Thank you so much,
*Lydia X. Z. Brown *
Pronouns: they/them/theirs/themself or no pronouns
Phone: +1 (202) 618-0187
Homepage: www.lydiaxzbrown.com
Portfolio: www.autistichoya.net
Founder & Director, Fund for Community Reparations for Autistic People of
Color's Interdependence, Survival, & Empowerment
Adjunct Lecturer in Disability Studies, Georgetown University Department of
Member, American Bar Association, Commission on Disability Rights &
Disability Rights Committee Co-Chair, American Bar Association, Section on
Civil Rights & Social Justice
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I
can hear her breathing.”
― Arundhati Roy
“Life is short and the world
is at least half terrible, and for every kind
stranger, there is one who would break you,
though I keep this from my children. I am trying
to sell them the world. Any decent realtor,
walking you through a real shithole, chirps on
about good bones: This place could be beautiful,
right? You could make this place beautiful.”
― Maggie Smith
*Having a hard time*? Try bit.ly/selfcarehelp for a text-accessible,
interactive self-care/executive functioning tool.
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