[Athen] Accessibility of Whova

Howard Kramer hkramer at ahead.org
Mon Sep 14 10:38:37 PDT 2020

We're considering using Whova for some of our virtual events. Does anyone
have experience or knowledge of the accessibility of Whova? Anecdotally
from colleagues I've heard that it's good but would like to get some
additional input.


Howard Kramer
Conference Coordinator
Accessing Higher Ground
cell: 720-351-8668

Join us for the *Accessing Higher Ground Conference - A Virtual Event
<http://accessinghigherground.org/>* from Nov 9-19, 2020. Registration
will open up on September 11. Sign up to our mailing list to receive

Complete program information and registration is open for our full line-up
of Spring 2020 webinars
<https://www.ahead.org/events-programming/webinars/2020-spring-webinars>. Site
capacities for all webinar events is limited; please register at your
earliest convenience for the largest selection.

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