[Athen] Assignment PDFs

Karen McCall K4mccall at outlook.com
Fri May 6 09:15:35 PDT 2022

Afternoon everyone!

I’m looking for one or two page inaccessible PDFs that I can use for assignment documents in a course I’m working on. I’ve tried searching for FAQ PDF thinking I would get the shorter documents but keep getting templates for FAQ documents.

I have two documents I have been using but both are on COVID-19 and I want to start moving away from these and use more generic FAQ or short PDFs.

One of the documents I currently use has a lot of lists in it so gives students lots of practice manually building lists. The other has headings and links as well as lists.

I do have one document that I can still use that has a good example of a table needing remediation so just need some shorter documents, either tagged or untagged to use for assignments 1 and 2.

Any contributions would be appreciated!

BTW, most of my store of PDFs are too long for beginners to work on. 😊

Cheers, Karen
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