[Athen] AHEAD Members : Celebrate in October - Think Spring
Lissner, L. Scott
lissner.2 at osu.edu
Sun Oct 16 19:05:28 PDT 2022
[A pumpkin carved with a international access symbol (wheelchair stick figure), flame shooting off the back wheel to sho motion.]
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month - How are you Celebrating? Some creative Jack-O-Lanterns? Writing a proposal for the 2023 Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability conference is scheduled for March 20-21. This year's theme Widening the Circle: Access, Universal Design & Beyond.
We are anticipating an in-person event with selected sessions offered remotely.
Final Submission Deadline: December 3<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/international-day-of-persons-with-disabilities-3-december.html__;!!KGKeukY!2lb1a6jdBaedx3N1eFJE0BQGqJ7MullXXRsNwSgaOMTIZj6uGZlKvGHRqxljLA_aMlVZrFFHE6z9DbK3s_7SITo$>, 2022
This year's conference reflects on the upcoming 50th anniversary of the of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Signed September 26, 1973 it announced a wider conception of "We the People" in US public policy and civil rights law. Pushing paradigms away from medical models toward social models, from accessibility toward universal design, from accommodation toward social justice. As we approach the half century mark let's examine what we have accomplished and consider what the next fifty years will bring
Past programs and conference updates can be found at: ada.osu.edu/ada-conference.<https://ada.osu.edu/ada-conference.>
To request to be on the mailing list for the conference, please email ada-osu at osu.
Proposals due December 3rd, 2022 Proposals should be submitted through our web form at: osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e8xZMbtRG1AaMUm<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e8xZMbtRG1AaMUm__;!!KGKeukY!2lb1a6jdBaedx3N1eFJE0BQGqJ7MullXXRsNwSgaOMTIZj6uGZlKvGHRqxljLA_aMlVZrFFHE6z9DbK3W8jtkJA$>
Hosted by the Office of Institutional Equity at The Ohio State University and supported by the Ethel Louise Armstrong Endowment Fund.
October National Disability Employment Awareness Month_
[The poster is rectangular in shape with a black colored chalkboard background overlaid with mathematical equations. In the center of the poster, on a diagonal, is a black rectangle bordered by small teal, yellow and red rectangles. It features the 2022 NDEAM theme, (Disability: Part of the Equity Equation,) along with an equation composed of several graphics: a circular photo of a woman in a wheelchair working at a computer with colleagues, followed by a plus sign, followed by a square image of a woman who uses crutches viewing a document with a colleague, followed by an equal sign, followed by a light bulb icon. Across the top of the rectangle in small, white letters are the words National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Along the bottom in small white letters is the hashtag] [https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ODEP/images/disability_equation_sp.png]
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