[Athen] Fwd: Assistive Technology in the Senate
Dan Comden
danc at uw.edu
Mon Feb 6 19:28:24 PST 2023
Those of us who have been around since before the web became ubiquitous
came to assume that all news sources are free because they were for quite a
while. Of course journalism that is worth reading costs money to pay
writers and editors and all the infrastructure that supports their work.
Newspapers weren't free before the web, and it's fascinating that we would
assume they would be free into the future. We had a good few years of it
actually being a no-cost experience for quite a lot of good online
journalism. Now we either have to pay or put up with some of the worst
advertising delivery that often literally obscures what we're trying to
read. Sometimes it's both!
Most of us on this list work in higher education and have access to the
majority of online publishing through our library portals. Additionally,
many public libraries provide similar access. Both are worth investigating
to get access to online articles behind paywalls. Yes, it is extra work and
sometimes that effort is definitely non-trivial.
The accessibility of that experience may be another discussion entirely. I
will say that getting to the online version of Time magazine through our
library system at UW is neither intuitive or simple. But it *is* possible.
There are also a variety of tools to try and evade paywalls but I'm seeing
that they are increasingly less effective. Or perhaps I'm just getting too
lazy to jump through the hoops.
I have a side theory as some of this paywall stuff being the reason there
has been such an explosion of disinformation but that's also another
conversation :)
-*- Dan
On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 3:25 PM Top Tech Tidbits <enews at toptechtidbits.com>
> We have struggled with this same issue for a very long time in both the
> Top Tech Tidbits newsletter, and now the Access Information Newsletter as
> well. It is incredibly frustrating to be interested in an article that only
> asks for money when you click. I share this frustration. Both personally
> and professionally. We even share ways in our publications to “work around
> it." But I am also a Publisher who has been tasked with delivering
> important and timely access and technology news to as many blind, vision
> impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, neurodivergent and/or disabled
> persons each week as possible. And sometimes, let’s be honest, most times,
> that information is behind a pay wall. So what should we do when we are
> unable to find that same information, for free, anywhere else? Should we
> simply not include the information? Even if it is incredibly important? Any
> feedback anyone might wish to provide on this topic would be incredibly
> informative for us, and I believe the access community as a whole. Thank
> you. :)
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> *From:* athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> *On
> Behalf Of *Robert Spangler
> *Sent:* Monday, February 6, 2023 9:57 AM
> *To:* Access Technology Higher Education Network <
> athen-list at u.washington.edu>
> *Subject:* Re: [Athen] Fwd: Assistive Technology in the Senate
> Thanks for forwarding this but, unfortunately, it's behind a paywall.
> Robert
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 2:54 PM Lissner, L. Scott <lissner.2 at osu.edu>
> wrote:
> If you have not seen this article. I thought this article framed assistive
> technology & accommodations better than most - a little more emphasis on
> recovery rather than access to work but I think the right points come
> through:
> John Fetterman Is Using Assistive Technology in the Senate
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://time.com/6251752/john-fetterman-stroke-recovery-assistive-technology/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!n9JKxtQvflgIvx4wMr5yhn_DWhlM6hiBVwXBbGBERDTPHlIoI6Of1y078TFtDS_lyR5aKVEIeFQ0lfJiW22PtA$>
> The 164-year-old Senate chamber was not designed for wires and screens.
> Senators aren’t even allowed to use their phones when they’re inside. But
> to accommodate freshman Senator John Fetterman the chamber just got a
> digital upgrade ...
> The new assistive technology installed in his workspaces requires some
> adjustment from colleagues in an institution known for its stagnancy. But
> in securing the devices that are helping him begin a new job during a very
> public recovery process, advocates say Fetterman is forging a path for
> people with disabilities and health challenges to make it in public office.
> The Senate's Sargent At Arms worked with the office of the Secretary of
> the Senate, the Senate Rules Committee, and Senate leadership to get
> Fetterman’s assistive technology in place, although doing so did not
> require any rules changes, since the SAA has the authority to provide
> Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations to Senators and staff
> who need them.
> Read the full article
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://time.com/6251752/john-fetterman-stroke-recovery-assistive-technology/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!n9JKxtQvflgIvx4wMr5yhn_DWhlM6hiBVwXBbGBERDTPHlIoI6Of1y078TFtDS_lyR5aKVEIeFQ0lfJiW22PtA$>
> https://time.com/6251752/john-fetterman-stroke-recovery-assistive-technology/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://time.com/6251752/john-fetterman-stroke-recovery-assistive-technology/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!n9JKxtQvflgIvx4wMr5yhn_DWhlM6hiBVwXBbGBERDTPHlIoI6Of1y078TFtDS_lyR5aKVEIeFQ0lfJiW22PtA$>
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> --
> Robert Spangler
> Disability Services Technical Support Specialist
> Office of Learning Resources
> Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center (LTC)
> Roesch Library Room: 023
> Phone: 937-229-2066
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