[Athen] Python coding

Norwich, Lorraine S lnorwich at bu.edu
Sun Jan 29 19:41:29 PST 2023

Dear All,

We have a student who uses Voice Over as her primary screen reader, and is also a Braille reader, who is taking an introductory Computer Science course in Python. Can anyone please help me with the following questions:

1. What screen reader would you recommend with Python It is a computer language with lots of indentation and it seems that voice overdoes snot reed the indentation that is needed for the coding language.
2. Do you know of any text books already done in braille in Python, for the student
3. Are there any blind computer user groups that you know of that I can reach out to
4. They use Spyder https://www.spyder-ide.org/?ref=hackernoon.com

As the IDE. Does anyone have any information on how it works with screen readers

Thank you for your help



Lorraine S. Norwich, BSME, MSIS

Assistant Director of Disability & Access Services

25 Buick Street 3rd Floor, Boston MA 02215

lnorwich at bu.edu<mailto:lnorwich at bu.edu> (email)

617-353-3658 (vox)

617-353-9646 (fax)

www.bu.edu/disability<http://www.bu.edu/disability> (website)

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