[Athen] Accessible Data Qualitative Program (JAWS User)

Kevin Price Kevin.Price at ucf.edu
Mon Mar 27 12:46:40 PDT 2023

Thank you so much! That is very helpful.

Kevin Price, MSW
Assistant Director of Accessible Technology
Student Accessibility Services
Ginsburg Center for Inclusion and Community Engagement

University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd Ferrell Commons, Room 155B
Orlando, FL 32816-3661
Office: 407.823.2371
kevin.price at ucf.edu
Please note: Florida has a very broad open records law (F.S. 119). Emails may be subject to public disclosure.
SAS acknowledges the value of expressing identity-first (disabled person) and person first (person with disability) language in our communication.

-----Original Message-----
From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Adina Mulliken
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2023 3:19 PM
To: athen-list at u.washington.edu
Subject: [Athen] Accessible Data Qualitative Program (JAWS User)

Hi Kevin,
I did research to see if any qualitative analysis software was accessible a few years ago for purposes of being able to purchase it and hire research assistants who might need it to be accessible. I ended up not getting the grant, so it didn't matter for me, but I found there wasn't anything that would work that was screen reader accessible then unfortunately. One vendor had a VPAT that was many years old on their website showing problems. A faculty member from another school found for me that their IT department had reviewed another popular software and found it to be problematic. (IT at that school was concerned about it.)

I meant to look for my old notes for you to give you more specific details, and I'll aim to do it soon.

Adina Mulliken
Associate Professor, Librarian Silberman Social Work and Urban Public Health Library Hunter College, City University of New York
2180 3rd Ave. New York, NY
Phone 212-396-7665
Pronouns she/her

Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 20:36:49 +0000
From: Kevin Price <Kevin.Price at ucf.edu <mailto:Kevin.Price at ucf.edu>>
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu <mailto:athen-list at u.washington.edu>>
Subject: [Athen] Accessible Data Qualitative Program (JAWS User)
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Hi Atheners,
I have a student finishing her program. She is Blind and uses JAWS screen reader. She is looking for a software program that does qualitative analysis of data, she mentioned NVivo but said that it wasn't accessible for her. "NVivo is Lumivero's easy-to-use, collaborative qualitative analysis software that allows researchers to import, organize, explore, connect and collaborate on their data to reveal more significant insights from their qualitative data faster."

Has anyone found an accessible solution/program that does qualitative analyses of data or had any other ideas? I have had no connection with this type of software so I am unsure of all the disability related barriers that may be present with this type of software.

Thank you,

Kevin Price, MSW
Assistant Director of Accessible Technology Student Accessibility Services Ginsburg Center for Inclusion and Community Engagement

University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd Ferrell Commons, Room 155B Orlando, FL 32816-3661
Office: 407.823.2371
kevin.price at ucf.edu <mailto:kevin.price at ucf.edu><mailto:kevin.price at ucf.edu <mailto:kevin.price at ucf.edu>> sas.sdes.ucf.edu Please note: Florida has a very broad open records law (F.S. 119). Emails may be subject to public disclosure.
SAS acknowledges the value of expressing identity-first (disabled person) and person first (person with disability) language in our communication.

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athen-list at mailman12.u.washington.edu

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