[Athen] International Ally User Group – 30 November 2023

Matthew Deeprose M.Deeprose at soton.ac.uk
Tue Nov 7 00:25:25 PST 2023

[With apologies for cross-posting]

How can we create a university-wide culture of everyday accessibility?

Join us in the International Ally User Group on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 07:00 PST / 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 18:00 TRT / 19:00 GST.

We’ll learn how Cornell University is embedding accessibility into all academic and administrative units’ daily work.

# Session synopsis

## Breaking Accessibility Out of the Silo

Annie Heckel, Electronic Information Technology Accessibility Manager, Cornell University

How did Cornell University shift a university accessibility program from a siloed one-team project to a university-wide culture of everyday accessibility?
Annie Heckel, Electronic Information Technology Accessibility Manager, highlights how a combination of top-down and bottom-up accessibility advocacy has helped Cornell to progress from an organization with only scattered informal accessibility practices to their current organized but dispersed effort to embed accessibility into all academic and administrative units’ daily work.

Find sign-up and joining details on the Ally Community site: https://usergroup.ally.ac/content/perma?id=61213

Hope to see you there!

Matthew Deeprose
University of Southampton

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