[Athen] Guitar Tabs and Screen Reader

Strickland, Sam samstrick0 at ufl.edu
Mon Nov 13 06:50:27 PST 2023

Hi everyone,

I'm researching options for non-visual access to guitar tabs. I met with a student recently who is interested in taking a guitar course but would need to use a screen reader for guitar tabs. He tried Lunar Tabs a few months ago but was unsuccessful.

Does anyone have experience with Lunar Tabs? It looks like the last update was from 2017, so I'm not sure if the software is still being supported or worth troubleshooting. If anyone has recent experience, he is using Windows 10 but was not able to run the software.

Any other options or suggestions are appreciated!

Sam Strickland
Assistive Technology Accessibility Specialist
Disability Resource Center
Division of Student Life
University of Florida
accommodations at ufsa.ufl.edu
Pronouns: he/him

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