[Athen] Need accessible scheduling software

Gian Wild via athen-list athen-list at u.washington.edu
Wed Aug 14 15:20:32 PDT 2024


I have a Community College that is in need of an accessible scheduling software with the following requirements. At the moment they are using Skedda. Can anyone recommend an accessible solution?

Flexible scheduling capabilities for a flexible number of rooms

Secure access for multiple users

* One master controller with option for 1-2 editors (faculty)

* Multiple faculty access to reserve classrooms & practice rooms

* Student access to practice rooms only

Abilities for Users:

* To schedule blocks in 15-minute increments

* To cancel reservations

* To schedule blocks in 15-minute increments

Abilities for Master controller:

* To create rules of use and collect agreement from users

* To collect contact information for all users

* To cancel reservations

* To schedule blocks in 15-minute increments

* To limit time reservation to prevent hoarding

o Daily limits

o Weekly limits

* To change access to room allocation

* To edit all parameters



Gian Wild, CEO
Company Twitter: @accessibilityoz

Email: gian at accessibilityoz.com<mailto:gian at accessibilityoz.com>
United States: (917) 764 5452
Australia: 0408 223 391 - Mobile: 042 442 6262
Twitter: @gian - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gianwild/

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