[Athen] Building inclusive learning environments for all with UDL

Aneesha Aslam via athen-list athen-list at u.washington.edu
Tue Jun 4 08:06:50 PDT 2024

Hello everyone,

We'll be discussing all things Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and how
it offers multiple ways to engage and understand class materials with
disability professionals:

- Michelle Traster, Adaptive Technology Specialist, *Missouri Western
State University*
- Chynel McCrink, Teacher and IT Coordinator, *St. Peter's Primary
School and Nursery*

They will share their thoughts about how you can prepare for the fall
semester, and consider how Universal Design for Learning can create a more
successful learning experience for everyone.

*What will be covered? *

- How educators can leverage UDL principles to create a more engaging
and effective learning experience for all learners.
- How assistive technologies can further support diverse learning styles
within a UDL framework.
- The opportunities and challenges UDL presents for both in-person and
remote learning environments.
- How disability services and faculty can work together to build
inclusive classrooms that benefit all students.

You can find out more information here -

All the best,


*Aneesha Aslam *(she/her)

Senior Marketing Executive

aneesha.aslam at glean.co

<https://www.facebook.com/GleanNotes/> <https://twitter.com/GleanNotes>
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