[Athen] 4/11 Webinar - CART, C-Print,
TypeWell: Your Guide to Effective Speech-to-Text Solutions
National Deaf Center
help at nationaldeafcenter.org
Wed Mar 13 09:18:22 PDT 2024
Do you have questions about speech-to-text services
realtime captioning? We've got answers for you! Join us on April 11th from
1-2pm (CST) for a high-level webinar on all things speech-to-text services:
What it is (an auxiliary aid that provides communication access),
What it's not (automatic speech recognition) and,
What are things you need to know as a postsecondary disability services
professional to coordinate services effectively?
This session will provide an overview of the three different types of
speech-to-text services; Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART)
<https://www.ncra.org/home/the-profession/Captioning>, C-Print
<https://www.rit.edu/ntid/cprint/>, and TypeWell <https://typewell.com/>.
Participants will learn how to effectively integrate speech-to-text
services in different types of classes, the qualifications of
speech-to-text professionals, how to provide in-person and remote
speech-to-text services, and some common FAQs. This webinar is a
collaboration between the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes
<http://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/> and the Global Alliance of
Speech-to-Text Captioning <https://speechtotextcaptioning.org/> and will
feature essential information from experts in the field.
Registration for this event can be found here
We hope to see you there!
*NDC | help team*
help at nationaldeafcenter.org
[image: https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/]
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NDC is a technical assistance and dissemination center funded by the U.S.
Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs
#H326D210002. Project Officer: Dr. Louise Tripoli. Disclaimers: 1) The
contents of this email do not necessarily represent the positions or
policies of the federal government. 2) NDC does not provide legal advice
and any information shared should not be considered as such. 3) NDC does
not endorse any specific products/services/vendors and any information
shared should not be considered as such. 4) NDC uses "deaf
<https://nationaldeafcenter.org/resources/deaf-awareness/>" in an
all-inclusive manner to include people who may identify as deaf, deafblind,
deafdisabled, hard of hearing, late-deafened, and hearing impaired.
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