Our university is looking at goingiwth Student Voice Programs - an integrated assessment. According to a PowerPoint presentation they offered to our VC of Student Affairs, they list a broad range of schools currently using Student Voice, including: Cal States (7 listed), OK Univ, Ohio State University, Colorado State Univ, UC-Boulder. Can anyone give me your opinion on this software and accessibility/inaccessibility?<br>
<br>Many thanks to all!<br>Heidi <br><br>-- <br><br>Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC<br>Interim Assistant Director<br>Center for Educational Access<br>University of Arkansas<br>1 University of Arkansas, ARKU 104<br>Fayetteville, AR 72701<br>
(479) 575-3104 (voice)<br>(479) 575-7445 (fax)<br>(479) 575-3646 (tty)<br>