<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; border-collapse: collapse; ">Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 08:53:03 -0500<br>From: Marie Cooper <<a href="mailto:cooperm@BUCKS.EDU" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">cooperm@BUCKS.EDU</a>><br>
Subject: FW: Audio Description: free online course<br><br>I'm passing this on for your interest. It comes from the accessibleimage li=<br>stserv.<br><br>Marie Stevens Cooper, M.S., CRC<br>Director, disAbility Services<br>
Bucks County Community College<br>Student Services Center<br>275 Swamp Rd.<br>Newtown, PA 18940<br>215-968-8463 215-968-8033 fax<br><a href="mailto:cooperm@bucks.edu" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">cooperm@bucks.edu</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:cooperm@bucks.edu" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">cooperm@bucks.edu</a>><br>
<br>From: <a href="mailto:accessibleimage-bounce@freelists.org" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">accessibleimage-bounce@freelists.org</a> [mailto:<a href="mailto:accessibleimage-bounce@f" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">accessibleimage-bounce@f</a>=<br>
<a href="http://reelists.org/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">reelists.org</a>] On Behalf Of Lisa Yayla<br>Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 3:58 AM<br>To: '<a href="mailto:accessibleimage@freelists.org" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">accessibleimage@freelists.org</a>'; 'Art Beyond Sight Learning Tools'; 'Ac=<br>
cess to Art Museums'; 'Art Beyond Sight Advocacy'; 'Art Beyond Sight Theory=<br> and Research'; 'Art Beyond Sight Educators List'; Alternate Media<br>Subject: [accessibleimage] Audio Description: free online course<br>
<br><br>Audio Description: The Visual Made Verbal - ON-LINE! And FREE!<br><br><br><br>Note: While this option should not be construed as a substitute for a face=<br>-to-face training, it may be helpful for some people.<br>
<br><br><br>Audio Description is a literary art form. It's a type of poetry--a haiku. =<br> It provides a verbal version of the visual--the visual is made verbal, and=<br> aural, and oral.<br><br><br><br>Using words that are succinct, vivid, and imaginative, describers convey th=<br>
e visual image from television and film that is not fully accessible to a s=<br>ignificant segment of the population * and not fully realized by the rest o=<br>f us--the rest of us, sighted folks who see but who may not observe. Audio=<br>
describers provide services in various multi-media settings, including the=<br>ater, television, video, film, exhibits, museums, and educational venues--b=<br>ut also at circuses, rodeos, ice skating exhibitions and myriad sports even=<br>
ts.<br><br><br><br>* The American Foundation for the Blind now estimates that over 25 million =<br>Americans are blind or have trouble seeing even with correction.<br><br><br><br>For broadcast television, on film and videotape and on DVDs, AD enhances th=<br>
e regular program audio, precisely timed to occur only during the lapses be=<br>tween dialogue. Until June of this 2009, description was accessed on telev=<br>ised programs in the United States via a Secondary Audio Program channel; n=<br>
ow description audio is one of several additional audio tracks available di=<br>gitally.<br><br><br><br>This course is particularly timely: President Obama recently signed into la=<br>w a mandate for description on broadcast television beginning late in 2011.=<br>
Thus, the need for professionally trained describers will increase dramat=<br>ically throughout 2011.<br><br><br><br>The sessions will introduce participants to the principles of description, =<br>how to produce quality description, and the importance of close communicati=<br>
on with the "end users"-people who are blind or have low vision and all peo=<br>ple who support this innovative use of technology to provide greater media =<br>access.<br><br><br><br>- go to: <a href="http://www.fracturedatlas.org/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">www.fracturedatlas.org</a><<a href="http://www.fracturedatlas.org/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">http://www.fracturedatlas.org</a>><br>
<br>- click on Program & Services<br><br>- in the drop-down menu, click on ON-Line Courses.<br><br><br><br>Before you go further, you'll need to click on "Become A Member" at the top=<br> of the screen. Enter an email address and choose "community"-that's the f=<br>
ree option. You should then be eligible to take the course. Once you're a=<br>ll signed up/signed in, you can simply click on Fractured U. and choose Cou=<br>rses at the top. The course is listed about half-way down: Audio Descript=<br>
ion: The Visual Made Verbal.<br><br><br><br>The course was developed and is monitored by Joel Snyder. . One of the fir=<br>st audio describers, Snyder began describing theater events and media in 19=<br>81. In addition to his ongoing work in these genres (Kennedy Center, Arena=<br>
Stage, "Sesame Street," DVDs and feature films), each year he develops aud=<br>io described tours for major museums throughout the United States including=<br> the Smithsonian Institution, the Getty, the Albright-Knox, the National Aq=<br>
uarium, and several State museums and myriad National Park and Forest Servi=<br>ce exhibit centers.<br><br><br><br> He has introduced audio description/conducted audio description workshops =<br>in 30 states and D.C. and over 25 countries; in summer 2008, Snyder present=<br>
ed workshops in Montpellier, Shanghai, Beijing and provided description for=<br> the World Blind Union in Geneva. Most recently, he trained describers in =<br>Brazil and presented papers on description in Italy at the International Co=<br>
nference on the Arts & Society and in Spain at the Universitat Autonoma de =<br>Barcelona (where he is a Ph.D. candidate, expected 2011).<br><br><a href="http://www.audiodescribe.com/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">www.audiodescribe.com</a><<a href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=3Dtswsbvdab&et=3D110418=3992121&s=3D2435&e=3D001epOhABWB9dvnZZMO0FHHdtCLNDbTpYq57KZ9yUtv9hqiT0GUuzi=wWWQsESfORDKRE8DnY2eV1FqL0gaogn47zFoEIN501R2CxS0v6DlUSa0Cjw2aRVVQ9Q=3D=3D" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=3Dtswsbvdab&et=3D110418=<br>
3992121&s=3D2435&e=3D001epOhABWB9dvnZZMO0FHHdtCLNDbTpYq57KZ9yUtv9hqiT0GUuzi=<br>wWWQsESfORDKRE8DnY2eV1FqL0gaogn47zFoEIN501R2CxS0v6DlUSa0Cjw2aRVVQ9Q=3D=3D</a>><br><br><a href="mailto:jsnyder@audiodescribe.com" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">jsnyder@audiodescribe.com</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:jsnyder@audiodescribe.com" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">jsnyder@audiodescribe.com</a>><br>
<br>301 920-0218<br><br><br><br><br>JOEL SNYDER<br>President, Audio Description Associates, LLC<br>"The Visual Made Verbal" (tm)<br>ADA logo--an eye within an ear<br>6502 Westmoreland Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912<br>
<a href="mailto:jsnyder@audiodescribe.com" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">jsnyder@audiodescribe.com</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:jsnyder@audiodescribe.com" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">jsnyder@audiodescribe.com</a>> -- 301 920-0218<br>
Cell: 301 452-1898 -- Fax: 408 445-0079<br><br>For more information about audio description, please visit:<br><a href="http://www.audiodescribe.com/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">www.audiodescribe.com</a><<a href="http://www.audiodescribe.com/" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">http://www.audiodescribe.com/</a>><br>
<br>Director, Audio Description Project<br>American Council of the Blind<br><a href="mailto:jsnyder@acb.org" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">jsnyder@acb.org</a><mailto:<a href="mailto:jsnyder@acb.org" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">jsnyder@acb.org</a>> -- 202 467-5083<br>
<a href="http://www.acb.org/adp" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(148, 46, 6); ">www.acb.org/adp</a><br>ACB logo ADP logo</span><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Katherine Mancuso: crusader of community art, social technology, & disability<br><br>Current work:<br>Walt Disney Imagineering & Parks and Resorts Online, Intern (work: accessibility evangelism & interactive projects)<br>
<br>Research:<br>Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access (<a href="http://www.catea.org">http://www.catea.org</a>)<br>Georgia Tech, Digital Media (<a href="http://dm.gatech.edu">http://dm.gatech.edu</a>)<br>
<br>Community:<br>The Vesuvius Group: metaverse community builders (<a href="http://www.thevesuviusgroup.com">http://www.thevesuviusgroup.com</a>)<br>Gimp Girl Community Liaison/Research Fellow (<a href="http://www.gimpgirl.com">http://www.gimpgirl.com</a>)<br>
Alternate ROOTS: arts*community*activism (<a href="http://www.alternateroots.org">http://www.alternateroots.org</a>)<br><br>Contact in the web, the metaverse, the world:<br><a href="http://twitter.com/musingvirtual">http://twitter.com/musingvirtual</a><br>
<a href="http://muse.dreamwidth.org">http://muse.dreamwidth.org</a><br><a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/kathymancuso">http://www.linkedin.com/in/kathymancuso</a><br>SL: Muse Carmona<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>