<br>Good afternoon,<br>I am working on a touchscreen Windows 7 64-bit computer and Dragon 11 preferred, sadly the Dragon software is running very very slow. The time takes for a dictatedphrase to appear in the documentis approximately 7-8 seconds per phrase. When I try to add my name, Nettie, the system goes to the Internet logo on the desktop and attempts to close the window. It doesn't matter what style I use... buried into a phrase,spoke rapidly, slowly (ha ha) it wants to click on the internet icon and asks me if I want to close the window. <br>
<div><font color="#003333"><strong><em>Many times, my phrases cause the curser to randomly navigate accross the desktop; interpreting my words the navigation command. </em></strong></font></div>
<div><font color="#003333"><strong><em>I tried to train my name (Nettie) as a new word, but doesn't make any differenc.</em></strong></font></div>
<div><font color="#003333"><strong><em></em></strong></font> </div>
<div><font color="#003333"><em><strong>Is anyone else having difficulty with and HP t64-bit, ouch Smart computer ? If so and you found a fix for this issue <u>please</u> send the information my way. My carpal tunnel is truly aching and writing reports this week is a rather uncomfortable task but, the Dragon software not proving to be any help, it results is making completing the document a tedious and time consuming task. but, on the upside, it doesn't hurt my wrists..<br>
<br>Thanks for any information that you can provide.<br>Oops, slly me, I tried dictate my name-</strong></em></font></div>
<div><strong><em><font color="#003333"></font></em></strong> </div>
<div><strong><em><font color="#003333">Nettie</font></em></strong></div>
<div><strong><em><font color="#003333"></font></em></strong> </div>
<div><font color="#003333"><strong><em>Nettie T. Fischer, ATP<br><font size="1">Assistive Technology Professional</font></em></strong></font></div>
<div><font color="#003333"><strong><em>RESNA Certified</em></strong></font></div>
<div><font color="#003333"><strong><em>California Certified NPA <br>Nettiet, ATP Consultants<br><a href="http://www.nettietatpconsultants.com/" target="_blank">www.nettietatpconsultants.com</a><br>[916] 222-3492 Office<br>
(916) 704-1456 Cell</em></strong></font></div><br>