Hi all,<br><br>Previously one of the university's departments used SyncronEyes from SmartTech as their classroom management system. However, the computer labs have been upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit, so they will either have to purchase version of SyncronEyes that will run on the new opsys or looking at other CMS. They are looking at Faronics' Insight.<br>
<br>Anyone have any ideas regarding accessibility issues for screenreaders, users with mobility issues, etc???<br><br>Any help will be appreciated!<br><br>Heidi<br><br><br clear="all">+++++++++++++++<br>Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC<br>
Associate Director<br>Center for Educational Access<br>University of Arkansas<br>ARKU 104<br>Fayetteville, AR 72701<br>479.575.3104<br>479.575.7445 fax<br>479.575.3646 tdd<br>+++++++++++++++<br><br>