Hello all!<br><br>We have a graduate student who is a biology major. She has low vision and we're looking for a variety of options that might be available so that she will be able to use a microscope. Anyone have any good resources they could point me towards? We're basically looking for magnification which can be added to a microscope to project it onto a computer screen. A USB-microscope might be possible, but I'm not finding any with high enough magnification.<br>
<br>Many thanks for any thoughts you might share!<br><br>Heidi<br><br><br clear="all">+++++++++++++++<br>Heidi Scher, M.S., CRC<br>Associate Director<br>Center for Educational Access<br>University of Arkansas<br>ARKU 104<br>
Fayetteville, AR 72701<br>479.575.3104<br>479.575.7445 fax<br>479.575.3646 tdd<br>+++++++++++++++<br><br>