<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #7300CC'>Hi,<br><br>I've received this particular response from Cambridge before, but I actually have the time right now to delve into this. How have you - any or all - dealt with this? I've requested to speak with the permissions manager at Cambridge to discuss the discriminatory nature of their decision, but thought I'd put this out here to see what others have done. <br><br>RE: Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation<br>Mark Z. Jacobson<br>Hardback 9780521811712<br>Paperback 9780521010443<br>Adobe eBook Reader ISBN 9780511252594<br><br><br>Dear Jean,<br><br>Thank you for your request.<br><br>This book is currently available in ebook format. When we have a book<br>available in ebook format, the student must purchase the ebook. We cannot<br>provide any other electronic text.<br><br>We encourage students and/or Disability Resource Depts. to check first to<br>find out if a book is available in ebook format before purchasing a print<br>format book.<br><br>You may find out additional information and purchase the book at the<br>following link:<br><br><span class="Object" id="OBJ_PREFIX_DWT2852"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.cambridge.org/ebookstore/">http://www.cambridge.org/ebookstore/</a></span><br><br>If the student has already purchased the print version and you are able to<br>scan the book and create an electronic version for your own use, you have<br>our permission to do so.<br><br>Please note that we have just entered into an agreement with Bookshare to<br>make Cambridge University Press titles available in an accessible format<br>through Bookshare's global online library of content for readers with print<br>disabilities. Over the next few months we will be uploading backlist and<br>frontlist titles to the Bookshare service, and we suggest that you check<br>the availability of an accessible version of Cambridge titles with them at<br><span class="Object" id="OBJ_PREFIX_DWT2853"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.bookshare.org/">www.bookshare.org</a></span>.<br><br>We also suggest that you sign up for a Bookshare membership (free to<br>students) by going to the membership link on their website:<br><span class="Object" id="OBJ_PREFIX_DWT2854"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.bookshare.org/membershipOptions">http://www.bookshare.org/membershipOptions</a></span><br><br>Thank you for your interest in Cambridge University Press publications.<br><br>-- <br><div><span name="x"></span>Peace.<br><br>Jean Salzer, Sr. Counselor<br>BVI Program/Alternative Text Coordinator<br>Student Accessibility Center<br>UW-Milwaukee<br>414-229-5660, Mitchell Hall B16<br><br>When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.<br>—Victor Frankl<br>********************************************<br>NOTICE TO RECIPIENT: This email and any attachments, contains information that is, or may be, covered by electronic communications privacy laws and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If this email contains any student specific data or information, these laws apply. If you are NOT the intended recepient(s) of this email, please disregard the content, delete the email message and notify the original sender. <span name="x"></span><br></div></div></body></html>