<font size=3>Free </font>Webinar: The Global Public Inclusive
<font size=3><x-tab> </x-tab>and
Employment <br>
When: Tuesday, September 27, 2 PM EDT<br>
Hosted by EASI and presented by Jim Tobias and other leaders from (GPII)
Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure <br><br>
The Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII) is a new approach to
accessibility, providing a way for accessibility tools, utilities, and
features to be built into the Internet itself. This "AT in the
Cloud" idea<br>
is already under development in Europe, Canada, and the US. You can find
more details and an explanatory animation at
<a href="http://gpii.net/" eudora="autourl">http://gpii.net</a>. GPII
This webinar will go over how employers, employees, public agencies,
accessibility and AT companies, andprograms aimed at improving
jobprospects for people with disabilities may be able to work together on
There will be opportunities for feedback and discussion -- your opinions
will be factored into the GPII development plan. <br><br>
To register: Send email with your contact information to <br>
webinar@gpii.net <br><br>
Any questions should also be directed to this same email