[Biostudent] COASST undergraduate intern recruitment

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Aug 2 09:23:44 PDT 2022

COASST undergraduate intern recruitment

Autumn is rapidly approaching, and we have identified a few openings on our intern team that we would like to fill for Fall 2022 (and the coming year).

Here's a link to the internship page of our website <https://coasst.org/join-our-team/internships/>, which describes the commitment and the type of work that our interns do. (https://coasst.org/join-our-team/internships/ <https://coasst.org/join-our-team/internships/>)

I've also attached a one-page document that could get forwarded. Please let me know if another format would be more useful for your communications.

Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions!


The COASST office team

Jackie Lindsey (she/her)

COASST Science Coordinator

jks18 at uw.edu <mailto:jks18 at uw.edu>
Box 355020

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195-5020

remote work (602) 320-5459

office work (206) 221-6893

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