[Biostudent] UW Civil/Environmental Engineering Info Sessions: Preparing to Apply - Wed, Dec 21, 12:30 & 4pm - ZOOM

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Dec 14 15:34:06 PST 2022

Hello Students,

We are hosting two information sessions next week to go over the transfer
(and UW interest changer) application processes for both undergraduate
programs in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at the
University of Washington. The first 30 minutes of these sessions will cover
the application deadlines, prerequisite courses, and the conditional
application process
<https://www.ce.washington.edu/future/undergrad/apply/conditional> ,
followed by a 30 minute discussion/Q&A with CEE's advising team.

* Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (CIVE/BSCE)
* Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (ENVE/BSENVE)

WHAT: UW Civil
D163807227> & Environmental Engineering Info Session: Preparing to Apply

WHO: Hosted by UW CEE's advising team, this event is for students interested
in the Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Programs
at UW Seattle.

WHEN: Session A:
81tB7bnqwyWuS_eFdOGKS$> Dec 21, 2022 (Wednesday) 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Session B:
81tB7bnqwyWuS_eFdOGKS$> Dec 21, 2022 (Wednesday) 4:00pm - 5:00pm

WHERE: Both sessions will be held on ZOOM:

If you plan to attend, please complete the RSVP
bnqwyWuS_cj_kbGN$> so we can stay in touch about important updates and


***To prepare for these sessions, we recommend becoming familiar with our
t-11-2022.pdf> and/or ENVE
eet-11-2022.pdf> degree sheets as well as the UW/CC Equivalency Guide
<https://admit.washington.edu/apply/transfer/equivalency-guide/> for your

These resources are great tools to help with identifying prerequisites,
degree requirements, and course sequencing.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

-Brian & Lauren


CEE Undergraduate Advising

Civil & Environmental Engineering

College of Engineering

University of Washington

<mailto:kinnear at uw.edu> ceadvice at uw.edu

More Hall, Box 352700

<https://ce.engr.washington.edu/current/undergrad> CEE Undergraduate

<http://blogs.uw.edu/ceadvice/> CEE Student News Blog

CEE Advising Appointments

(Ensure your time zone is set to Pacific Standard Time)

EvNzk81tB7bnqwyWuS_YnwFFOB$> Brian Kinnear's (he/him) Calendar

k_BMoZv27EvNzk81tB7bnqwyWuS_YEStIs7$> Lauren Cushner's (she/her) Calendar

**If you do not see a time that works with your schedule, please email
<mailto:ceadvice at uw.edu> ceadvice at uw.edu with your availability.

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this
land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands
within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.

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