[Biostudent] Summer Invitational Datathon

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Jun 15 09:50:50 PDT 2022

Summer Invitational Datathon

Datathons are data science competitions that challenge students from the world's best universities to tackle real-world social challenges in topics such as urban traffic, renewable energy, and education.

When: July 18 - 25
Where: Virtual
Who: Undergraduates, graduates, Ph.D., and post-doc researchers
Prizes: $15,000 + Exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel LLC and Citadel Securities

APPLY FOR DATATHON <https://www.citadel.com/careers/the-data-open/>

Summer Invitational Terminal

Terminal Live is an online game where software engineers and computer scientists (or anyone else interested in coding!) build an algorithm to play a tower defense game in a team-based setting. Watch this video <https://vimeo.com/283777731> to see Terminal in action!

When: August 8 - 14
Where: Virtual
Who: Undergraduates, graduates, Ph.D., and post-doc researchers
Prizes: $15,000 + Exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel LLC and Citadel Securities

APPLY FOR TERMINAL <https://terminal.c1games.com/summer_2022>

Elaine Kim
Business Development Analyst
Correlation One <http://correlation-one.com/>
200 West 41st Street
New York, NY 10036
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