[Biostudent] REMINDER: SPR22 Courses for Students Interested in Drug Discovery & Development

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Mar 9 09:22:15 PST 2022

MEDCH 327 and PHARM 301 can be petitioned to use as Electives in Biology
Degree Options.

Spring registration will be winding down soon so I'm writing with a reminder
of spring quarter course options which may be of interest to both
science/pre-health students and NON-science/pre-health students.
Information for each course is attached and course descriptions are below.
Please share as appropriate.

* MEDCH 327 The Science of Drugs (3) NW

Introduces students to medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences.
Recommended for sophomore, junior and senior students majoring in chemistry,
biochemistry, bioengineering, chemical engineering, public health and other
health sciences, and related fields. Prerequisite: either CHEM 223, CHEM
237, or CHEM 335; recommended: basic knowledge in general chemistry and
organic chemistry.

* PCEUT 201 Drug Discovery, Development and Beyond: Careers and
Controversies (3) NW
Introduces students to drug development from discovery to drug approval with
an emphasis on careers and the scientific and ethical issues at each stage.
Recommended for undergraduate health science majors and non-science majors
with a basic high school knowledge of general chemistry and biology.

* PHARM 301 Medications and Health: It's Not All About Drugs (3)
Covers personal health promotion, treatment of illness, and health care.
Explores several medication-related topics, provides insight on drug
development and efficacy, and serves as introduction to students
contemplating careers in health sciences, especially in pharmacy.
Credit/no-credit only.

In the meantime, please feel free to direct any pre-health students
interested in the UW Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) to me, or refer them to our
5go$> . Virtual information sessions
<https://sop.washington.edu/pharmd/admissions/info-sessions/> are also
scheduled throughout the year and are open to ALL.

Enjoy your day!


Lynn Hermanson
Associate Director of Admissions and Recruitment
Office of Professional Pharmacy Education
UW School of Pharmacy

1959 NE Pacific St.

Health Sciences Building, F463-A

Box 357239

Seattle, WA 98195

(206) 543-9427

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