[Biostudent] Peer Coaching Services Survey

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Mon May 2 15:23:28 PDT 2022

Subject: For all biology students: Quick check-In survey from TriBeta

Hello UW biology students!

We're midway through the quarter! Hope everything has been going smoothly for you so far. If not, no worries, we are here to help! To best serve your needs in the coming weeks, we need to understand what those needs are :). It would be wonderful if you could fill out this quick and I mean quickkk survey. It will only take a couple minutes, and will mean the world to us! <https://forms.gle/yFn7CHQpwRYmogfbA> https://forms.gle/yFn7CHQpwRYmogfbA

Thank you,

RD Pant

Peer Coaching Coordinator

TriBeta Biology Honor Society


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