[Biostudent] Fwd: AUT 2022 TA positions with Quantitative Science (Q SCI)

Biology Advising bioladv at uw.edu
Fri May 6 08:53:38 PDT 2022

*Center for Quantitative Science*

*AUTUMN 2022 Teaching Assistant and Reader-Grader Positions*

The Center for Quantitative Science is accepting part-time (50% FTE)
Teaching Assistant applications for Autumn 2022 for the following courses.
These positions will be filled pending course enrollment numbers. *Priority
application deadline is May 12, 2022*.

- *Q SCI 291, Analysis for Biologists I:* up to 2 TA positions
- *Q SCI 381, Intro to Probability and Statistics*: up to 6 TA positions
- *Q SCI 482, Statistical Inference in Applied Research I*: 1 TA and up
to 1 reader-grader position

*Teaching Assistant Positions*

TA Responsibilities:

- Assisting instructor with the delivery of learning materials
(lectures, labs, and other materials)
- Running labs, help sessions, and recitation sessions
- Grading homework and exams
- Maintaining office hours
- Attending the courses

TA Requirements:

- For Q SCI 291, must be competent in calculus
- For QSCI 381, must be competent in statistics and have familiarity
with R
- For QSCI 483, must be comfortable with R and the material covered in
QSCI 483 (Analysis of linear regression models and introduction to
nonlinear models. Model selection using generalized F-tests; residual
analysis. Application to categorical, count, binomial, transformed
variables. Introduction to matrix formation of regression models and
- Current academic standing as a UW Graduate Student and eligibility to
hold a Graduate Student Assistantship
- Availability for full appointment and class time frame
- Background and enthusiasm to communicate effectively with biology,
zoology, conservation, ecology, and natural resource management students.
- Equivalent education/experience will substitute for all minimum
qualifications except when there are legal requirements, such as a

TA Terms:

- Salaries are based on graduate level and rates can be found on the UW
Salary Schedule
Contact the Center for Quantitative Science office for more information on
salary levels.
- Appointments are 50% FTE and average approximately 20 hours/week or
220 hours for the quarter.

- TAs are required to register for a minimum of 10 credits per quarter
that they hold an assistantship.

- A tuition waiver is provided, but the TA will be responsible for
paying student fees (approximately $250).
- Graduate Appointee accident/sickness insurance will be provided.
- This job classification is governed by a negotiated labor contract and
is subject to union shop provisions.

*Hourly Reader/Grader Positions*

Reader/Grader Responsibilities:

- Grade exams and assignments
- Other duties as assigned by instructor

Reader-Grader Terms:

- Reader-grader positions are hourly appointments and *average*
10 hours/week, not to exceed 110 hours for the quarter.
- Tuition and fees are not covered as part of your appointment. You are
responsible for paying all tuition and fees that are required based on the
number of credits for which you enroll.
- In order to maintain eligibility for this appointment, you will need
to be enrolled for at least 4 credits (graduate masters and professional
students), 2 credits (PhD candidates) for each quarter in which you hold
the appointment.
- As a University of Washington student, you are eligible to enroll in
the Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan. Information on this plan
is at: http://depts.washington.edu/ovpsa/insurance.html.
- This job classification is governed by a negotiated labor contract and
is subject to union shop provisions.

*Application Process:*

Please submit the following by email to owense at uw.edu:

- Resume/CV
- Include your home department, advisor, and academic status
(“Masters Student”, “PhD Student, but haven’t completed general exam”, or
“PhD Student, completed general exam”)
- List all previous TA and reader/grader positions held for any UW
department Include your evaluation score for each position
- Cover letter including:
- List the specific Q SCI TA or reader/grader positions you are
applying for
- Brief statement of how your skills and experiences are a match for
the position
- List Q SCI or equivalent courses you have completed
- List any Q SCI TA positions you have applied for in the past, both
positions you were offered and ones you were not offered. (This
will be used to help us distribute TA positions more equitably.)

*Priority application deadline is May 12, 2022. *We will consider
applications until all positions are filled, but applications that are
submitted by the due date will have priority. Applicants will be notified
by email of our decision.

*Questions? Contact owense at uw.edu <owense at uw.edu>.*

The University of Washington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. To request disability accommodation in the application process,
contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450/206.543.6452 (tty)
or dso at u.washington.edu.


Erica Owens

CQS/QERM/QSCI Program Coordinator

Center for Quantitative Science

Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management

University of Washington

Ocean Teaching Building

Mailbox #357941

Seattle, Washington 98105

(206) 616-9571

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Erica L. Owens <owense at uw.edu>
Date: Thu, May 5, 2022 at 3:27 PM
Subject: AUT 2022 TA positions with Quantitative Science (Q SCI)
To: Environment_advisers at uw.edu <environment_advisers at uw.edu>,
bioladv at uw.edu <bioladv at uw.edu>

Hi advisors! Can you please share this job announcement with your graduate
students? Thanks!

Erica Owens

CQS Program Coordinator

*Center for Quantitative Science*

*AUTUMN 2022 Teaching Assistant and Reader-Grader Positions*

The Center for Quantitative Science is accepting part-time (50% FTE)
Teaching Assistant applications for Autumn 2022 for the following courses.
These positions will be filled pending course enrollment numbers. *Priority
application deadline is May 12, 2022*.

- *Q SCI 291, Analysis for Biologists I:* up to 2 TA positions
- *Q SCI 381, Intro to Probability and Statistics*: up to 6 TA positions
- *Q SCI 482, Statistical Inference in Applied Research I*: 1 TA and up
to 1 reader-grader position

*Teaching Assistant Positions*

TA Responsibilities:

- Assisting instructor with the delivery of learning materials
(lectures, labs, and other materials)
- Running labs, help sessions, and recitation sessions
- Grading homework and exams
- Maintaining office hours
- Attending the courses

TA Requirements:

- For Q SCI 291, must be competent in calculus
- For QSCI 381, must be competent in statistics and have familiarity
with R
- For QSCI 483, must be comfortable with R and the material covered in
QSCI 483 (Analysis of linear regression models and introduction to
nonlinear models. Model selection using generalized F-tests; residual
analysis. Application to categorical, count, binomial, transformed
variables. Introduction to matrix formation of regression models and
- Current academic standing as a UW Graduate Student and eligibility to
hold a Graduate Student Assistantship
- Availability for full appointment and class time frame
- Background and enthusiasm to communicate effectively with biology,
zoology, conservation, ecology, and natural resource management students.
- Equivalent education/experience will substitute for all minimum
qualifications except when there are legal requirements, such as a

TA Terms:

- Salaries are based on graduate level and rates can be found on the UW
Salary Schedule
webpage. Contact the Center for Quantitative Science office for more
information on salary levels.
- Appointments are 50% FTE and average approximately 20 hours/week or
220 hours for the quarter.

- TAs are required to register for a minimum of 10 credits per quarter
that they hold an assistantship.

- A tuition waiver is provided, but the TA will be responsible for
paying student fees (approximately $250).
- Graduate Appointee accident/sickness insurance will be provided.
- This job classification is governed by a negotiated labor contract and
is subject to union shop provisions.

*Hourly Reader/Grader Positions*

Reader/Grader Responsibilities:

- Grade exams and assignments
- Other duties as assigned by instructor

Reader-Grader Terms:

- Reader-grader positions are hourly appointments and *average*
approximately 10 hours/week, not to exceed 110 hours for the quarter.
- Tuition and fees are not covered as part of your appointment. You are
responsible for paying all tuition and fees that are required based on the
number of credits for which you enroll.
- In order to maintain eligibility for this appointment, you will need
to be enrolled for at least 4 credits (graduate masters and professional
students), 2 credits (PhD candidates) for each quarter in which you hold
the appointment.
- As a University of Washington student, you are eligible to enroll in
the Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan. Information on this plan
is at: http://depts.washington.edu/ovpsa/insurance.html.
- This job classification is governed by a negotiated labor contract and
is subject to union shop provisions.

*Application Process:*

Please submit the following by email to owense at uw.edu:

- Resume/CV
- Include your home department, advisor, and academic status
(“Masters Student”, “PhD Student, but haven’t completed general exam”, or
“PhD Student, completed general exam”)
- List all previous TA and reader/grader positions held for any UW
department Include your evaluation score for each position
- Cover letter including:
- List the specific Q SCI TA or reader/grader positions you are
applying for
- Brief statement of how your skills and experiences are a match for
the position
- List Q SCI or equivalent courses you have completed
- List any Q SCI TA positions you have applied for in the past, both
positions you were offered and ones you were not offered. (This
will be used to help us distribute TA positions more equitably.)

*Priority application deadline is May 12, 2022. *We will consider
applications until all positions are filled, but applications that are
submitted by the due date will have priority. Applicants will be notified
by email of our decision.

*Questions? Contact owense at uw.edu <owense at uw.edu>.*

The University of Washington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. To request disability accommodation in the application process,
contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450/206.543.6452 (tty)
or dso at u.washington.edu.


Erica Owens

CQS/QERM/QSCI Program Coordinator

Center for Quantitative Science

Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management

University of Washington

Ocean Teaching Building

Mailbox #357941

Seattle, Washington 98105

(206) 616-9571

*Biology Advising - No in person meetings for WIN*
University of Washington, *BOX* 355320
318 Hitchcock Hall

*Zoom drop-in advising hours (10-15 min meetings):*

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

*Join Zoom Meeting *
Please include your name and student number in your emails.
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