[Biostudent] Class AUT 22: Preparing for Graduate Education

Jason L. Patterson patterj at uw.edu
Fri May 20 15:06:01 PDT 2022

This ten-week course is for juniors and seniors who know they want to pursue, or are considering the

possibility of, graduate education. Learn from graduate students and staff involved in graduate admissions

about how to find a program that fits your interests and how to prepare effective application materials.

This course will offer students an overview of the many kinds of graduate programs available, and an

insightful look into the application and review process. We will also work towards determining the right "fit" for your individual goals through three primary objectives:

* Investigation: Why are you interested in graduate school? What do you need to know before

committing to a program?

* Revelation: What do graduate school admission committees actually expect?

* Preparation: After finding a "good fit," how do you chart a course of action? Why, when, and

where do you want to go? What are you hoping to do and how will it be

useful after graduate school?

For more information, contact Mariah Corey, mdcorey at uw.edu

GRDSCH200: Preparing for Graduate Education<https://grad.uw.edu/admission/plan-ahead-for-grad-school/grad-school-200-preparing-for-graduate-education/>
Autumn Quarter 2022
Mondays, 12:30 - 2:20 p.m.
JOHNSON Hall (JHN<https://www.washington.edu/maps/#!/JHN>), Room 075
SLN: 16158

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