[Biostudent] Huskies for Life: UW Undergrad to UWSOM | AMSA UW

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue May 24 12:34:26 PDT 2022

We are excited to announce our last event of the quarter: Huskies for Life!
Join AMSA UW next Wednesday, May 25th from 7-8 PM to hear from previous UW
undergrads who now attend UW School of Medicine. If you are interested in
UWSOM, this panel will be a great opportunity for you to gain insight into
how the current med students navigated their transitions, their pre-med
journeys at UW, and their experiences in med school now. We have recruited
med students from a wide range of educational backgrounds - from majoring in
philosophy to biology!

RSVP using the link below to save your spot.


Zoom Information:


Meeting ID: 985 0741 8752

Best of luck with the rest of Spring Quarter!

American Medical Student Association

4001 E Stevens Way NE

Seattle, WA 98195

<mailto:amsauw at uw.edu> amsauw at uw.edu

University of Washington

<http://amsauw.com/> amsauw.com

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