[Biostudent] Now hiring: SAFS Undergraduate Research Assistant - apply by June 10

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu May 26 15:36:46 PDT 2022

Now hiring: SAFS Undergraduate Research Assistant - apply by June 10

Please share widely - interested students should contact Dr. Taub directly.

Undergraduate Research Assistant, starting June 2022. Interest in algal-zooplankton-microbe ecological research (laboratory Closed Ecological Systems), comfortable with basic inorganic chemistry (molar quantities) some simple gas laws, and computer skills including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, EndNote, and some statistics. Will gain expertise in algal and Daphnia culture techniques; sterilization procedures (autoclaving), complex chemically defined media; experimental design, general laboratory procedures, instrumentation, and (lots of) dishwashing. Must be able to lift 35 pounds. Preference for a student with more than one year of time left at UW Seattle and available summer 2022. Approximately 10 hours/week, $17.50/hr to start.

To inquire and apply, please send e-mail to taub at uw.edu <mailto:taub at uw.edu> with a message describing your scientific interests, career goals, reference names, e-mail addresses and phone #, and an informal transcript. Deadline: June 10, 2022

Professor Frieda B. Taub Emerita

School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences


Samantha Scherer (she her), Assistant Director, Student Services and DEI
UW School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences

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