[Biostudent] Funded Graduate Study Opportunities for Indigenous Students in STEM - please forward!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Nov 3 11:48:12 PDT 2022

Do you want a STEM career in service to land and culture?

Looking for a FULLY FUNDED graduate program?

The Center for Native Peoples and the Environment at the State University of
New York's College of Environmental Science & Forestry is recruiting
students for graduate study in diverse environmental science fields,
including ecology, sustainability, conservation biology, restoration,
environmental engineering, and more. Thanks to support from the Sloan
Indigenous Graduate Partnership, the program includes tuition, stipends, and
professional development for Indigenous students pursuing MS, MPS, and PhD

-z4r70rPQO46DkOQ4H0N4qJFoHoHHgis34j_A87o9fTuBvK$> Click here [esf.edu] for
more info, or email us at <mailto:cnpeinfo at esf.edu> cnpeinfo at esf.edu.

We also invite you to
Q4H0N4qJFoHoHHgis34j_A87o0NhWlNI$> hear more [youtube.com] from current and
past students.

Apply today for this unique program integrating Indigenous and Scientific
Knowledges for Environmental Sustainability. We are accepting applications
on a rolling basis!


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