[Biostudent] WIN 23 Landscape Architecture Courses + BLA Info Session on 11/18

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Nov 10 15:10:00 PST 2022

We have a few courses scheduled for Winter quarter open to non-majors that may be of interest to your students, as well as another BLA Info session coming up next Friday, 11AM on Zoom. Please forward these opportunities below on as you see fit.

L ARCH 353 | L ARCH 553: Histories of Modern Landscape Architecture

LAND | SCAPES in FLUX public spaces, personal histories in the anthropocene

MWF 11:30-12:50
Elizabeth Umbanhowar, umbanhow at uw.edu <mailto:umbanhow at uw.edu>
5 credits, A&H / SSc + Writing

All Majors Welcome!
(SLN: 16438, Honors SLN: 16439)
Contact Jennie Li, jencyli at uw.edu <mailto:jencyli at uw.edu> for add codes.

This course explores landscape sites, systems, and symbols from the early nineteenth century until the present moment, stressing the intersections and entanglements of history with current politics, experiences and ecologies. Together we will interrogate historic narratives and examine both familiar and new landscapes, while re-centering global geographies and marginalized voices that help us make relevant the past in our Anthropocene “now.” Through creative exercises, diverse media and collaborative processes, we will critically examine the writing, production, and performance of landscape and its histories thematically through the diverse lenses of: power and ownership; memory and representation; knowledge and experience; labor and production; materiality and technological innovation; climate disruption and social change; identity and emotion; and race, class and gender.

L ARCH 361: Human Experience of Place: (Re) Thinking Urbanism

TTh 10:00-11:20
Bo Peng
3 credits, A&H / SSc + Diversity
All Majors Welcome!

(SLN: 16440)

This year’s course will examine the human experience of place in the context of urbanism(s). Urbanism(s) as the study of cities, a field of practices, and a way of living could shed some light to address not only the physical forms but also the social and political forces that shape the built environment and the complexity of cities. As a survey course, it investigates different paradigms and visions of urban space with contested meanings, the social and political processes of placemaking, and the everyday experiences and imaginaries. Through the idea of urbanism(s), this course explores the urban environment as a continuum of ideas, movements, processes, and change. Cases and design practices around the world are introduced to understand the various social and spatial forces that come into play in the contemporary urban environment.

L ARCH 498C: Perceptions of Nature in the Dense City

W 6:00-8:50 PM
Laure Heland heland at uw.edu <mailto:heland at uw.edu>
3 credits, (SLN: 16448)

There is a current trend to design green environments and infrastructure in dense cities, which claim to be “Natural” or “representing Nature.” What is the “Nature” that designers and planners are referring to – and for what purpose? Is Nature a pristine condition in an untouched environment or can it be a hybridization of human and natural systems? How do such definitions and perceptions impact both professional approaches, and the public acceptance of new design idioms?

Through lectures, readings and experimentations, this class will explore various perceptions and definitions of Nature associated with contemporary design projects of green infrastructures in the context of climate change. Independent research and case study will allow students to choose and investigate one particular aspect of these topics.

L ARCH 498D: Human Development for Designers

T6:00-8:50 PM
Dr. Amy Wagenfeld
3 credits, (SLN: 16449)
Questions? contact Jennie Li, jencyli at uw.edu <mailto:jencyli at uw.edu>

This seminar is designed to provide students with an overview of human development from birth to end of life. Providing future design professionals with a footing in human development and its relevance to built environments, from birth to end of life enriches design decisions by giving students a better understanding of how people grow and change throughout our lives, resulting in more thoughtful, adaptive, and inclusive designs.

A final major assignment will be completed on an individual basis and weekly in class group work and information sharing will factor significantly into the course structure.


Discover what this STEM-accredited design program leading to professional licensure can offer you! SESSIONS WILL FEATURE CURRENT BLA STUDENTS

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/93268180564__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mo7nT8X4ZnZOAWnEsxuJ6dCNWVhRaAXRtH5eWqz8K62eb9paduHGIqvWl2qZxsWzCSiiCmG7O6ZtNyU$> https://washington.zoom.us/j/93268180564 [washington.zoom.us]


As a discipline, Landscape Architecture involves design thinking and practice in the making and sustaining of our built environments. It serves to engage the wants, needs, and aspirations of people and communities while systematically seeking to improve the functions and qualities of the natural world. It encompasses a broad spectrum of practices from design of streetscapes to restoration of habitats and ecosystems.

Landscape architects are, in a sense, architects of the landscape–the landscape that encompasses both natural and social realms, urbanity and wilderness, land, water and air. They design not only for people and communities, but for plants and animals, to support social and natural processes, and to protect human and environmental assets.

For more information, visit us at larch.be.uw.edu <http://larch.be.uw.edu/> and

follow us on Facebook @uwlarch and Instagram @uw_landscape_architecture


Jennie Li | Undergraduate Program Adviser + Admin Support

Pronouns: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs

Schedule a meeting [calendly.com] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/calendly.com/jencyli/officehours?month=2021-09&date=2021-09-10__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jL7IGshCbH2Cxvi92YR5UIIbth-WRqAo9E_d6uOnc1pBFYd6VhTHYCYM3Pc1pQ142ziJj5wHEZUFdmjIR5uIf5A$> - HYBRID HOURS 2-5 PM, M T TH F (virtual availability unless scheduled for in-person)

Department of Landscape Architecture | UW College of Built Environments

348 Gould Hall | Box 355734 | Seattle WA 98195-5734

jencyli <mailto:jencyli at uw.edu> @uw.edu | <http://larch.be.washington.edu/> larch.be.washington.edu

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We acknowledge the people - past, present, and future - of the Dkhw'Duw'Absh (Duwamish), Muckleshoot (bǝqǝlšuɫucid), Suquamish (suq'ʷabšucid) and Tulalip (dxʷlilap) and other Coastal Salish tribes on whose traditional lands we study, work, and gather.

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