[Biostudent] University of Washington Undergraduate Research Panel

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Nov 17 10:35:41 PST 2022

University of Washington Undergraduate Research Panel


I hope this finds you well. My name is Phuong, and I am a PhD candidate in Molecular Engineering at the University of Washington. I am also the Chair of my program's Outreach Committee, and we are hosting an event about introducing undergrads to scientific research on Thursday, December 1st from 4-5:30 PM PST over Zoom. My team and I are passionate about advising undergrads and helping them on their research journeys, so we would love to extend our reach to your school. Can you please advertise this event to your students? Please have your students RSVP for the event via this link: https://tinyurl.com/uwashresearch <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tinyurl.com/uwashresearch__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ghz8_X2p0n649K8r2Jo34ZRnyrFIQ5M8d8RbE6tC5UC8U0MTNKQcGhxsBwu--L4jKbrjEAbcuWiXa_s4A1UH3okh$> .


Phuong Nguyen


Nam Phuong Nguyen

PhD Candidate, Molecular Engineering | Nance Lab| University of Washington

MS, Materials Science & Engineering | University of Washington

BS, Materials Science & Engineering | Stanford University

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