[Biostudent] Undergraduate Research Resources

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Oct 11 12:03:02 PDT 2022

Dear Students,

Are you interested in getting involved in research as an undergraduate? We
are here to help! The <https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/>
Undergraduate Research Program (URP) works to expand research opportunities
for undergraduates, supports undergraduates who are looking to get involved
in research, and provides events for students to present their scholarly

Here are a few ways you can start your journey to becoming an undergraduate

1. Come to a
<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/students/advising/> URP
Information Session! Learn the steps for getting involved in an
undergraduate research experience at UW. We require all students to attend
this session before scheduling an individual advising appointment with a URP
2. Check out the URP
Research Opportunities Database! This database includes several hundred
research opportunities open to undergraduates. This is not a comprehensive
list of all the research opportunities available at UW, but it is a great
place to start your search.

3. Join us for coffee and doughnuts at Research Café
<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/uwresearch-cafe/> ! Research
Café is a place for anyone interested in research to come and build
community at UW. All are welcome, including students involved in research,
students interested in research, research mentors, and research support

We look forward to meeting you!



Sophie Pierszalowski, PhD
Director, Undergraduate Research Program

Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity

171 Mary Gates Hall, Box 352803, Seattle, WA 98195

206.616.3586 / sophpier at uw.edu <mailto:sophpier at uw.edu>

<http://www.uw.edu/undergradresearch> www.uw.edu/undergradresearch

Pronouns: she/her

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