[Biostudent] Boren & Critical Language Scholarships available to fund language studies abroad

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Oct 11 12:07:37 PDT 2022

Please share with students in any major and any year (undergrads and grads)
interested in studying critical languages abroad: Boren
Scholarships/Fellowships [borenawards.org]
eFhMT3Q$> and Critical Language Scholarships [clscholarship.org]
5ytEw$> are available! Both of these scholarship programs provide support
for students learning critical languages abroad. We have a few opportunities
coming up for students to learn more. Highlights of each award are included
below as well as links to the information sessions. Thank you for sharing!


Boren Awards & Critical Language Scholarships Available!

Join us for an introduction to Boren Awards [borenawards.org]
eFhMT3Q$> and Critical Language Scholarships [clscholarship.org]
5ytEw$> to fund foreign language study abroad. Scholarships like the Boren
and CLS provide funding to U.S. citizen students at varying levels of
proficiency to study languages considered to be "critical" to U.S.

Information sessions are coming up! Get an overview of the scholarships and
insights on how to develop competitive applications. We encourage
first-generation students, students of color, and students who identify as
underrepresented within the university to attend and apply.

In-Person Boren & CLS Information Session this week!

* Wed., Oct. 12 | 4 p.m. | Register to attend at

CLS Virtual Events hosted throughout October & November, see the CLS event
calendar at https://clscholarship.org/events [clscholarship.org]
J3oZodXKTfQ$> .

Boren Awards Virtual Event for the UW community:

* Thurs., Nov. 3, 10am PT | Register to attend at
3FEJuGN4OoUX2Q/viewform [docs.google.com]

Boren Awards Highlights:

* Open to U.S. citizens.

* Up to $25,000 for students who study language abroad during the
academic year (semester or longer).

* Must be studying a language abroad (list of preferred languages here
QGKkhGbF0sm-lcIv4qqDn_30lJ3oY7QteLtQ$> ).

* Up to $8,000 for STEM students to study a language abroad during the

* Up to $30,000 for graduate students who will study a language abroad.
Graduate students can incorporate research/fieldwork.

* Selected students must commit to working for in the federal government
for one year.

Critical Language Scholarship Highlights:

* Open to U.S. citizen undergraduates and graduates in every field.

* Fully funded intensive language and cultural immersion program (FREE)!

* Languages offered are: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla, Chinese, Hindi,
Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian,
Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu.

* Program includes cultural activities, field trips, room & board, and

* Must be enrolled during fall 2021; open to students graduating in
spring 2022.


Undergraduates can contact the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships &
Awards: scholarq at uw.edu
<mailto:scholarq at uw.edu?subject=Boren%20&%20Critical%20Language%20Scholarshi

Graduate students can contact the Graduate School's Office of Fellowships &
Awards: gradappt at uw.edu
<mailto:gradappt at uw.edu?subject=Boren%20&%20Critical%20Language%20Scholarshi

Thank you,



Pronouns: she/her

Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards
Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity

Box 352803
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 171, Seattle, WA 98195
206.543.2603 / <mailto:robinc at uw.edu> robinc at uw.edu /
<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/> expd.uw.edu/scholarships

arshipsFellowships at cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k_agaDrKpi
$> Schedule an advising appointment with me [outlook.office365.com]

Where to find me:

M-W & F in MGH 171 (in-person or online meetings available)

Thursday working remotely (only online meetings available)

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